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Aug 1, 2020

Consultancy for Ecosystem System Mapping of the Emergency Medical Services within Nairobi Metropolitan Services

Terms of Reference

Ecosystem System Mapping of the Emergency Medical Services

within the Nairobi Metropolitan Services


Malteser International (MI), the worldwide relief agency of the Sovereign Order of Malta for humanitarian aid, works in more than 20 countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas for people in need, regardless of their religion, origin or political affiliation. Its mission is to provide emergency relief as well as to implement rehabilitation measures and to facilitate the link between emergency relief and sustainable development. Christian values and humanitarian principles of impartiality and independence form the basis of its work in: Relief, Reconstruction & Rehabilitation; Health & Nutrition; Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH); Livelihood & Social Programs and Disaster Risk Reduction. In Africa. MI is active in eight countries: DR Congo, Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Guinea with a regional office in Kampala, Uganda. MI works closely with the government, civil society and the private sector in all the countries.

The German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through MI in partnership with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) stakeholders is implementing the Upesi Health Project which seeks to improve emergency medical care with focus on pre-hospital care through promotion of appropriate legislation, enhanced private public partnership, standardized training curriculum, accreditation ,improved coordination of relevant actors and strengthening of systems and associations within Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) emergency services providers.

Project objective: Contribute to a decrease in direct and premature mortality and invalidity due to preventable medical emergencies by improved EMS in Kenya

Outcome 1: Contribution to the development and implementation of appropriate legislation and binding framework for regulation of EMS in Kenya

Outcome 2: Enhanced mechanisms to promote human resource development for EMS in Kenya

Outcome 3: Enhanced Emergency Medical Service System at National and County Governments


The purpose of this assignment is to define the strategic direction of the project through conducting an Ecosystem Mapping of the EMS services within Nairobi Metropolitan Services and further build up to a unified system for EMS in Kenya. The consultant is expected to assess, document and share initiatives that provide new approaches and good practices relevant to a wider scale in the enhancement of Emergency Medical Services in Kenya.

Specific tasks

  1. Define the building blocks for a unified EMS System within Nairobi Metropolitan Services

  2. Identify, define and categorize EMS stakeholders within Nairobi Metropolitan Services and establish an efficient and adaptable linkage and collaboration framework

  3. Define the priorities and strategic next steps within the EMS context in Kenyan

  4. Explore the potential and conditions required for concrete partnerships and scale of EMS in Kenya

Expected Results

The selected consultant/firm will be expected to deliver on the scope of work below:

  1. Before commencing the assignment, the consultant will deliver an inception report outlining the detailed approach and methodology for this assignment which will be discussed and agreed upon with Malteser International

  2. Evidence Generation: The consultant will conduct fieldwork within the program areas and from target beneficiaries to collect evidence as a benchmark for the project implementation

  3. Develop an up to date EMS database demonstrating the gaps, strengths, opportunities and points of collaboration among the partners within the ecosystem

  4. Detailed dissemination and evaluation reports to be used as a basis in conferences, scientific journals etc.

Timeframe and deliverables

The work detailed in these terms of reference is to be conducted within ten working days between 12th and 25th August 2020. Key deliverables for the assignment include the following:

Review Stages, Deliverables, Timelines

Preparatory Stages

Review and agreement on the technical and financial proposal

ToR (Final) and Final proposal agreed upon by MI

1 day

Inception Stage

Inception: documents review, mapping all stakeholders and key documents

Inception report

2 days

Data Collection Stage

Stakeholders data collection

Draft Report

3 days

Reporting Stage

Compilation/Analysis of the findings/recommendations

Draft documentation of good practices

2 days

MI reviews and feedback

MI responses

1 day

Submission of final assessment reports

Consultant to present final report

1 days

Key Competence

The consultant/firm should have expertise in assessment of EMS and/or public health projects as well as knowledge in the Kenya healthcare system. The team members should have at least 5 years of relevant experience in public health, Emergency Medicine, emergency medical services, rescue engineering, health systems management or another health-related field.


**Technical evaluation criteria (***This shall be weighted at 70%)*

No, Criteria, Score

  1. Qualifications and Professional experience of the team - 30%

  2. Approach and Methodology - 30%

  3. Experience of the consultant/firm - 40%

**Financial evaluation (***This shall be weighted at 30%)*

Maximum number of points will be allocated to the lowest price

Financial Score = (Lowest Bids/ Bids being scored) * 100

How to apply

Interested parties must submit their applications by email referenced under title ‘Consultancy for Ecosystem System Mapping of the Emergency Medical Services within Nairobi Metropolitan Services’ to . Deadline for submission: 7th August 2020

Malteser International will consider applications from individual consultants only, who will be the sole responsible to deliver the outputs of the assignment.

Applications should include:

  • Up-to-date expression of interest with technical and financial proposal (max 5 pages)

  • A capacity statement (max 1 pages) indicating core competencies in line with the assignment

Only shortlisted applications will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be asked to provide references, evidence of experience, and additional administrative documents. The final selection of applicants, or cancelation of the assignment, is at the sole discretion of Malteser International

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