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Dec 22, 2010

Twaweza East Africa Regional and Country Job Vacancies

1. Country Coordinator, Uwezo Kenya

Location: Nairobi.

You shall be responsible for overall success and effectiveness of Uwezo in Kenya. You shall plan, manage and report; support and oversee country efforts; fundraise and steer the communication work. You will develop, foster and ensure adherence to high standards.

Core Qualifications and Experience

A PhD degree in education or a relevant field, minimum 7 years experience.Good understanding of East Africa with detailed knowledge of the education, research, data management and analysis.Excellent organizational skills and ability to nurture staff to register outputs.Excellent verbal, written and communication skills in English and Kiswahili.Basic bookkeeping knowledge and interest to learn financial management.Excellent computer skills and knowledge of computer based packages for large scale data.Creative thinker, imaginative, able to think outside the box and make unorthodox connections.Deep commitment to education for all and civic driven, democratic change; conviction in essence of citizen driven processes2. Communications Officer

Location: Nairobi.

Under the guidance of the Regional Manager Uwezo East Africa you will be responsible for managing effective communication of Uwezo EA (including the country offices) across different mediums, as well as through the design, writing, production and distribution of communication materials.

You will develop and foster high standards of publications and other communication.

Core Qualifications and Experience

A Master’s degree in a relevant field, minimum 3 years working experience specifically in communication and learningExcellent writing and communication skills in both English and Kiswahili and an eye for detailCreative thinker, imaginative, able to think outside the box and make unorthodox connections.Computer proficiency including web-based applicationsFlair for working with visual materials; a powerful creative eye;Keen understanding of traditional media, social media and uses of new technologies for communication in East African context3. Program and Administrative Associate

Location: Nairobi.

Under the guidance of the Regional Manager Uwezo East Africa you will support the Regional Office to implement its program as well as undertake administrative and financial management functions.

You will communicate with the Country Offices, share updates and continually seek to nurture a unit through effective and timely communication. You will participate in core Uwezo work, including training, assessment and communication.

Core Qualifications and Experience

A university Degree, preferably a masters degree At least three years experience related to your responsibilitiesVery good writing skills in English and Kiswahili with keen attention to detailGood basic knowledge of development and education issuesStrong computer skills and use of database and internetExcellent organizational, reporting and management skillsBasic knowledge on bookkeepingVery good time management skills.Interested?

Please send a cover letter, your CV, two samples of your written work and the names and contact details of 2-3 referees by 3rd January, 2011 using the postal address:

Program Officer
Women Educational Researchers of Kenya
Kirichwa Rd, off Argwings Kodhek Rd,
Wanandege Flats, D4
P.O Box 10565-00100, Nairobi

Or by email to: or

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