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Aug 8, 2022

5 Specific Things To Do That Can Improve Your Communication Skills

I have been a bad communicator. I wouldn’t discover this without identifying my bad communication habits which included avoiding eye contact while communicating with others, interrupting people whenever I felt like saying something, and not paying attention to the person talking to me.

Other bad communication habits that you might notice more often involve using universal statements, assuming you know what the other person means, or one–way communication habits.

Being a good communicator requires the ability to sit back and listen, in a way that invites conversation. Be conscious of leaving space and time for input, and don’t present ideas in a final “This is how it is and there is no possible alternatives” manner.

No business runs perfectly but the way people communicate and work through problems can be a sign of a company’s overall well-being. Healthy communication in the workplace is critical for driving results while also creating a positive work environment.

 However, bad communication can begin to cripple an organization and have a negative impact on the entire staff. Learning to detect poor communication habits and replace them with healthy ones will have a positive effect on productivity and even financial success.

So, what can we do to improve our communication skills and build meaningful relations?

1. Listen

People want to know that they are being heard. Really listen to what the other person is saying, instead of formulating your response. Ask for clarification to avoid misunderstandings. At that moment, the person speaking to you should be the most important person in your life.

Another important point is to have one conversation at a time. This means that if you are speaking to someone on the phone, do not respond to an email, or send a text at the same time. The other person will know that she doesn’t have your undivided attention.

2. Be to the Point

The majority of the miscommunication happens when there is too much needless information. Keep your communication concise without compromising on its importance of it. This applies to both written and verbal communication. For written communication, proofread, and for verbal communication, practice saying only what is important to the conversation.

3. Body Language

Body language is a great way to communicate without words but still has a profound impact. When you are in a video conference call or face-to-face meeting, keep positive body languages like an open stance and eye contact. This is subconsciously read by the other person, and their body language also becomes positive.

4. Watch Your Tones

Most miscommunication happens because either of the parties involved was not speaking in the right tone. Don’t be too loud, don’t be too soft, and don’t be rude or condescending. Always communicate politely and respectfully with everyone.

5. Think before you speak

By organizing your thoughts in advance, you can eliminate many of the awkward pauses that occur when speaking. It will also help you relay your information more concisely.

While writing down your thoughts is not always possible in impromptu discussions, it is still effective to take a minute to organize your thoughts in your mind before you begin to speak.


Communication skills are about the process of listening attentively, sharing thoughts, and conveying information effectively. Communicating effectively is a crucial skill in life, business, and the workplace. Communication skills can help you get a better job by helping you stand out from competitors during an interview.

Personal relationships also require good communication skills to ensure effective and efficient interaction between individuals.

Speak with confidence with this communication skills class training.

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