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Sep 6, 2023


Country: Kenya

Organization: Aga Khan Foundation

Closing date: 18 Sep 2023

  1. Background

Madrasa Early Childhood Programme is a regional programme operating in Kenya Uganda and Zanzibar. MECP was established through the support of the Aga Khan Foundation in the 1980’s with the aim of promoting quality community based, culturally relevant and pluralistic Early Childhood Development in marginalised Communities. MECP’s therefore mobilises and partners with local communities, civil society organisations, local and national governments to enhance access and delivery of quality ECD services. Over the 40 years of its existence MECP in Kenya has successfully reached and worked with over 100 community preschools and 2,000 government preschools and benefitted over 5,000 ECD front line workers in education and health, 32,000 caregivers thereby reaching over 300,000 children directly and indirectly.

MECP-K is seeking to better bring this experience, expertise, and learning and create impact and influence at scale. Evaluations have demonstrated the positive impact MECP has had on access and quality of pre-primary education and on the educational outcomes of boys and girls. Recently MECP’s approach to supporting preschools and teachers at scale was recognized as the most effective when impact and cost were accounted for.

  1. About Lift Up Project

Lift Up, a three-year project implemented holistic pre-school model in coastal region between – Mombasa and Kwale Counties. During this period, the project reached:

  • 36,423 boys and girls aged 4-5 years in 359 pre-primary schools.

  • 1042 pre-primary teachers through teacher continuous professional development initiatives.

  • 33 county ECD officials.

  • 121 members of School Boards of Management (BOM) members, and at least

  • 9740 parents/caregivers

It is expected for boys and girls enrolled in the 359 target preschools to benefit from high quality and gender responsive pre-primary education through; i) improved classroom practices; ii) improved teaching and learning environments; iii) increased community engagement; iv) improved school leadership, and v) improved government support.

Ultimately, these children were expected to realise improvements in; i) gross and fine motor skills; ii) cognitive skills; iii) receptive language and expressive language, and iv) socio-emotional capacities.

MECP-K in collaboration with county ECD officers delivered Human Centered Design (HCD) training to 60 design teams (ECD teachers & BoM), active learning training to ECD teachers and conducted parental engagement workshops with parents from the 359 schools.

  1. Objectives of the Endline Evaluation

The endline evaluation aims to:

  • Assess the overall impact and effectiveness of the Accelerating local ECD solutions to scale.

  • Evaluate the achievement of project outcomes and objectives outlined in the project's design.

  • Understand the factors contributing to project success and identify challenges and lessons learned in delivering innovations in the community.

  • Ascertain the extent to which the programme achieved its intended objectives during the implementation of activities.

  • Ascertain the most efficient approaches and strategies used in achieving the project goals.

  • Assess the extent to which the program achievements and systems can be sustained and how.

  • To document stories of change

  1. Scope of the Evaluation

The endline evaluation data collection will be conducted in 60 ECD centers in two counties in Kenya (Mombasa and Kwale) from September -mid October 2023.

The study will collect and analyze data for the following indicators from the project start up form.


Data Sources

Data Collection Methods

Ultimate Outcome

Proportion of boys and girls with improved gross and fine motor skills, cognitive functions, receptive and expressive language, and socio-emotional capacities after 2 years of intervention

Pre-Primary 2 Learners

Child Assessment Tool

Intermediate Outcomes

Proportion of male and female pre-primary teachers with improved classroom practices disaggregated by sex and county

ECD teachers

Classroom Observation Tool

Proportion of ECD centres with improved quality learning environments disaggregated by county

ECD centres

Learning Environment Assessment Tool

Level of implementation of innovations in pre-primary schools

Design teams and ECD centres

Innovation Tracking Tool

Focus Group Discussion

Level of satisfaction of parents /community members with quality of ECD services


Parents Survey Tool

Focus Group Discussion

Proportion of male and female County ECD officials providing quality mentoring and support to ECD teachers as part of their core supervisory duties disaggregated by sex and County

ECD Teachers

Teacher Survey

Frequency of school level visits by county ECD officials

ECD Teachers

Teacher Survey

  1. Methodology

The methodology for this endline evaluation will be a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods:

5.1 Quantitative Methodology

  • The consultant will review and refine existing quantitative data collection tools to ensure relevance and alignment with evaluation objectives.

  • Quantitative data will be collected through surveys, questionnaires, or other appropriate instruments.

  • Statistical analysis will include descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and correlation analysis to measure quantitative impact.

5.2 Qualitative Methodology

  • The consultant will enhance existing qualitative data collection tools and develop new tools, such as interview guides and focus group discussion outlines.

  • Qualitative data will be collected through key informant interviews and focus group discussions.

  • Data analysis will involve thematic analysis to extract key themes, patterns, and narratives from qualitative data.

5.3 Integrative Analysis

  • Integrative analysis will involve merging quantitative and qualitative findings to gain a holistic understanding of the project's impact.

  • Connections between quantitative trends and qualitative narratives will be explored to derive deeper insights.

  • The consultant will interpret findings to draw comprehensive conclusions that reflect both data streams.

  1. Deliverables:

The Endline Evaluation Consultant is expected to deliver the following:

  • Final inception Report: Presentation of a finalised inception report for validation

  • Data Analysis Plan: Develop/review a comprehensive data analysis plan outlining the statistical and qualitative techniques that will be employed to analyze the collected data. This plan should include details on statistical software and methodologies to be used.

  • Strengthened qualitative data collection tools and approaches, with a focus on capturing diverse beneficiary perspectives.

  • Dummy Tables: Provide a set of dummy tables as part of the final Endline Study Report

  • Draft endline report: Submission of a draft endline report and successful completion of a validation workshop

  • Final endline report: Completed study report (the report should be disaggregated at county and gender) including quantitative and qualitative study findings, completed dummy tables, data visualizations, and analysis of findings.

  • Study datasets: Raw data and complete datasets in English. The Consultant will also be expected to provide a fully ‘cleaned-up’ dataset in an agreed file format (e.g., XLS, SPSS) accompanied by the code used to carry out analysis and a variable codebook.

  • Transcribed transcripts: Complete, edited transcriptions and translations in English of all focus group discussions and key informant interviews conducted.

  • Detailed assessment of project impact, outcomes, challenges, and recommendations.

  1. Timeline:

The consultancy is expected to span approximately 10 weeks, starting from 20th September 2023. A detailed timeline, including milestones and deadlines, will be collaboratively established prior to the project's commencement.

  1. Ethical Standards and Safeguarding

The consultant must conscientiously abide by AKF safeguarding Manual, and all members of the Consultant team must sign AKF/MECP-K’s Safeguarding Statement of Commitment upon contracting. The design and implementation of the studies must be in line with the research ethical standards including protection of participants from potential research-related harms, confidentiality, informed consent, beneficence, and safeguarding principles to protect respondents from potential harms such as sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, and bullying.

  1. Rights to Deliverables

Upon successful completion of the consultancy, all deliverables, including evaluation tools, reports, visualizations, and findings, will become the exclusive property of MECP-K.

10. Qualifications and Expertise:

The ideal candidate for this consultancy should possess the following qualifications:

  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in conducting evaluations, collecting data, and producing quality mixed-methods baseline/end line education focused study reports, preferably for non-profit organizations.

  • Demonstrated experience in designing baseline and end line studies including proven experience in sound sampling, mixed methods approaches (quantitative and qualitative), tool development, enumerator training, etc.

  • Proficiency in statistical analysis tools (e.g., SPSS, STATA) and qualitative analysis software (e.g., NVivo, MAXQDA, ATLAS.ti).

  • Demonstrated experience in employing KoBo Collect or other computer assisted personal interviewing software.

  • Demonstrated experience in data management, including designing and managing gender- and age-disaggregated data and information systems capable of handling large datasets for study purposes.

  • Strong analytical skills to interpret complex data sets and derive meaningful insights.

  • Demonstrated experience safeguarding and respecting vulnerable populations.

  • Prior experience in pre-primary education evaluations is a strong asset.

  • Fluency in English is mandatory. Additional relevant languages (e.g., Swahili), an asset.

  • Reporting and Coordination

The Endline Evaluation Consultant will be supervised by MECP-K MERL Coordinator for guidance, feedback, and project coordination.

  1. Remuneration

The compensation for this consultancy will be negotiated based on the candidate's qualifications, experience, and the intricacy of the evaluation process.

  1. Payment Schedule

  • 30% Submission and approval of the inception report.

  • 40% upon submission of the draft endline evaluation report

  • 30% up on submission of the final endline evaluation report and after validation of the same by MECP-K.

  1. Contact Information

For inquiries or additional information about this consultancy, please contact

MECP-K is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and partners to share this commitment.

MECP-K is an affiliate of the Aga Khan Foundation; an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (

How to apply

  1. Application Procedure

Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit the following:

  1. Cover letter including the names and contact information of two previous clients who can be contacted regarding relevant experience. Consultants are also expected to disclose any conflict of interest related to this mandate with AKF/MECP-K.

  2. Detailed technical proposal of not more than 5 pages clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this request for proposals and including the following:

  • Description of mixed-methods study approach and methodology, including preliminary sampling strategy, data collection, data management and data analysis and ethical standards

  • Demonstrated previous experience in mixed methods and other qualifications outlined in this TOR

  • Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member

  1. A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study (taking into account an additional 5% VAT)

  2. CVs of all proposed team members outlining relevant experience (annexed to technical proposal)

  3. A copy of a previous report of similar work undertaken on: a) baseline study; OR b) endline study

  4. Copy of legal registration (for registered firms)

Applications must be received by MECP-K no later than Monday, 18th September 2023 at 5pm EAT through the email address: along with ‘APPLICATION FOR ENDLINE EVALUATION STUDY – RISE and SHINE’ in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

  1. Evaluation Criteria

Candidates will be evaluated based on their qualifications, previous relevant experience, sample work, and the proposed approach to conducting a robust mixed-methods evaluation.



Technical Component

Demonstrated experience in conducting and coordinating similar studies 25

Education and Technical Experience of Team 20

Proposed Methodology and Approach 30

Total Technical Component 75

Financial Component

Realistic and appropriate costs for proposed work 15

All relevant costs included to carry out proposed work 10

Total Financial Component 25

Total Marks 100

The successful service provider is expected to duly comply with MECP-K contractual guidelines, National and international best practices in conducting programme evaluations throughout the period of engagement with MECP-K.

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