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Nov 29, 2010

Would You Ever Sleep Your Way Up The Corporate Ladder?

Before writing this piece of article, let me give my verdict first… No one should take it personally here! This is one of the most discussed topics amongst office workers, but the discussion is done in a suppressed manner.

According to new research done in the US. almost two fifths of office workers say that employees who have gone in for a bit of ooh la la with the boss, have come out the other end with a step up the career ladder. And i am not biased here, it has apparently worked for both  males and females.

They also believe that it is of particular use for women, who tend to need a ‘sponsor’ – or sugar daddy – to help them navigate the office jungle.

The information comes from research by the US Centre for Work-Life Policy, which said that these patrons are usually married, male, senior employees with power in their hands.

Now let me tell you the final outcome of this research! The report indicates that sleeping with your boss can actually enhance your career, and if you are a woman, the chances further hike up! Wait a minute… Again I am telling you that these are not my personal views, but the same has been confirmed by the research.

Forget about this research for a while. I will come on the statistics later but isn’t it a fact that there is one or the other person in any office (Tell me if I am wrong) who won’t mind sleeping with his or her boss or at least have thought about this idea just to enhance their career. She or he might be someone who is NOT well educated or is sure that they will NOT get a better paying job than this one! So, they find ways to stay in the job! And what best than having an affair with the boss! Not all think the same, but this world is not short of “opportunists” people!

But again, the lady or man should not be blamed solely for this! Isn’t it that the boss somewhere is an “opportunist” too? But at the end of the day, it is business – business of give and take. Once gives and another one takes! And sometimes, one has to pay a heavy price for it… But that is the world for you!

As far as the statistics are concerned, the report shows that 17 per cent of the office workers have confirmed that they have shared bed with their bosses just to enhance their career. No matter how practical or career-minded a woman is, it has been believed that she needs a “sponsor” at some point or the other to climb the steps of her career ladder at one stage or another.

Like i said earlier on, this is a US based research but closer home the figures shouldn’t be that different.

My verdict? If we are talking about two consenting adults that are upfront and honest about their intentions, and both parties are aware of the exchange and the risks, then live and let live.

Besides sex, consider how we leverage our social circles and personal networks to create opportunities. We use our friends and families to find us jobs. We use our ‘connections’ to  get recommendations from friends of friends for jobs. In most instances getting a job is often based on networks and reputation rather than actual merit.

If I’m dating someone, I’m going to help them find and take advantage of opportunities. If I owned a business, I would give my lover a job, but not very near me!!  I think it’s naive to consider this wrong or unethical. It’s part of the game, and I prefer to play the game well rather than change it.

The main issue is if you manipulate someone (either via sex or otherwise) into getting you something, and then screw that person over once you’ve gotten it. That I disagree with strongly.

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