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Jan 24, 2022

5 Simple Steps To Customizing Your CV

You may think that once you’ve edited and tweaked your CV to get the best results, you job is done.

Truth is…..interviews won’t start rolling in just like that. Consider how many applicants each job gets on a daily basis. How does your CV stand out from the crowd?

Here are 5 simple steps to help you customize your CV for each application and avoid getting it tossed aside;

Don’t lie.

Let’s establish this right off the bat. Customizing a CV for a job isn’t the same as listing false credentials. If the job posting says they’re looking for a person with expert level skills in Microsoft Photoshop and you don’t really use that program, don’t add it to your CV. More often than not, lying or embellishing your CV in such a manner leads to disaster. What happens when you are put to task and you actually can’t deliver?

Optimize for keywords.

How do you avoid being factored out when you’re a great fit for the job? Easy. Look closely at the job posting that intrigued you in the first place

For instance, if a Public Relations job is looking for people with “innovative ideas for marketing and media relations” your CV needs to mention that with relevant examples as backup.

Update your career summary

If you can’t capture the employer’s interest in your professional summary, they may not bother with the rest of your CV. It’s like reading the back cover of a book to see if you’d like it.

It needs to show why you are the perfect fit and how your career goals align with the position.

De-clutter your resume.

Eliminate or minimize older jobs that may have little to no relevance for the desired position. Even on more recent jobs, keep the parts you want them to see and trim away some of the rest.

You want your CV to be clear and concise and customized for the recruiter who sees it. That means that you need to clear the way so your main accomplishments can really shine.

Go beyond the job description.

Once you’ve captured the job description and the verbiage they like to use, head to the company website to get a feel for the company as a whole. Are there certain types of projects they focus on more than others? Do they heavily support any charities or local community events? Look for reasons why you might be a good fit with this company beyond the job description and work it into your CV if possible.

It may seem tedious….

Customizing your CV for every application may seem like a lot of work but if you are looking to secure more chances, then it’s worth the effort.

Need help tailoring your CV? Try out our free CV review today!

N.B: Looking For A New Job? Find Your Next Job With Us. Click Here To Register Your CV. It's Free.

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