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Jul 20, 2012

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation: Counseling Support Services in a Health Survey Job in Kenya

Counseling Support Services in a Health Survey
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Background A health survey of children and adults is being undertaken in Kenya and will include over 10,000 households. The survey will provide program managers and policy makers with the information needed to effectively plan and implement future health interventions and evaluate current health programs.

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) is seeking the services of a reputable organization to provide counseling services for survey participants.

Specific Tasks

The organization to be hired will be required to undertake the following tasks in coordination with survey staff: 

Understand the operational components of the survey. Work with survey technical staff to develop the survey procedures for addressing cases where counseling services may be needed by survey participants during the conduct of the survey. Train survey field staff on the procedures for connecting survey participants to counseling services. Provide counseling support services as required by the survey participant and referrals to other services as needed. Document and report to survey technical staff on the counseling services provided to survey participants. Provide updates to survey field and technical staff as required.Must have at least 5 years experience in working with and counseling adults and children. Must have previous experience providing counseling services to adults and children in the context of a study or survey. Must have a network of trained, certified counselors stationed throughout the country, including the remote parts of Kenya. Must have trained, certified counselors who can provide counseling services in multiple vernacular languages.This is a short-term contract. The period of performance will be 120 days, during which support from the selected organization will be provided as required during this period of time. An extension in the period of performance may be requested should field activities for the survey be extended.Requirements for Application:

To apply, interested organizations should submit the following to be considered:

Profile of the Organization that includes, but is not limited to, the following information and is no more than 3 pages:a. organization’s background b. organizational structure c. organization’s geographical coverage in Kenya and languages spoken by the counselors d. relevant previous experience with counseling children and adults CVs of key personnel who would be involved should the organization be selectedContact information for 3 referencesOrganizations that meet the above requirements will be shortlisted and provided with further details on the proposed project. These shortlisted organizations will then be invited to submit and present a technical and financial proposal in a presentation for the final selection.

Method of Application:

The deadline for submitting an application is 30th July 2012.

Applications should reference “Counseling Support Services” and be addressed to

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