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Aug 3, 2021

End of Project Evaluation Consultant

We at Light for the World Kenya are looking for a consultant to help us in conducting the end of project evaluation survey.

Context of the project final evaluation

The evaluation will be carried out in the month of September 2021 through an external consultant who will be hired in the month of August 2021.The position will be advertised locally, leading to interviews and the selection of the successful candidate. This evaluation will be a final evaluation of the InBusiness project phase to determine its success with the aim of documenting learning, scaling up and/or replicating the intervention. It should be both qualitative (looking at the changes observed in the lives of the target groups over the period they participated in the project) and quantitative (collect output and outcome data aligned to each of the intended outcome as per the project log frame and in relation to the baseline data collected in August 2019). Feedback on the original baseline will be integral to the design and execution of the final evaluation. The overall purpose of the evaluation is to assess the changes generated by the project and document the key learnings from the implementation processes. The secondary aim of the evaluation is to gain insight into the key elements of the implementation process which either explain why the reported changes occurred and shed light on how such changes were achieved. The assessment of project outcomes and understanding of key processes will support the generation of project recommendations that could be considered for scale up and/or design of future projects.


The main objective of this evaluation is to determine the extent to which the InBusiness has contributed to improved livelihoods of people with disabilities across the project areas.

Key objectives of the end of project evaluation will include the following:

  1. To determine the growth of micro entrepreneurships of people with disabilities.

  2. To establish if the project improved the capacity of microentrepreneurs in the project areas.

  3. To determine how the InBusiness has contributed to the improvement of lives among microentrepreneurs and their families.

  4. To establish if there has been an improved access to procurement by micro entrepreneurs with disability.

  5. To determine the extent which the government and private sector procure from microenterprises of people with disabilities.

  6. Determine if project influenced change of policies and value chain among private and public institutions.

  7. To help the project understand what worked and did not work in the InBusiness models (LFTW, SI and HI models).

Download the document (TOR) to know more about the evaluation survey by visiting this link -

If you think you are a good fit for this, please apply now!

How to apply

Send an email expressing your interest to apply for this position to Please attach the following documents to complete your application -

  1. Understanding of the attached TOR (including the survey methodology)

  2. Workplan

  3. Budget - Financial Plan

Please send the email with the subject - Application for end of project evaluation.

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