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Aug 9, 2021

Importance of Performance Management - Career Point Kenya

Do you hold a managerial position? Being responsible for a team of employees can be quite a tedious task.

People are different, and you will find that not everyone will work at the same pace. There are going to be others that will not do as required.

Fortunately, there is a way to navigate this.

Have you heard of performance management? It is a skill that will help you supervise your team with ease and get the desired result.

Before we get into the details of this skill, let us first define what it is.

What is Performance Management?

Performance management is a continuous process of improving productivity by setting team and individual goals aligned to the company goals.

Managing a team, in general, will not bring you good results. Break the end goal into smaller achievable goals.

Delegate the goals to individuals, and from there, to a team. Once everyone does their part, you will find that everything comes together beautifully.

Here is why this skill is essential for leaders.

Importance of Performance Management.

1. Address Issues as soon as they crop up

Managing performance both at the individual and team level will help you as a leader to solve issues immediately they arise.

From the set goals, you will identify the root cause of a problem with ease. Your work as a manager will become less tedious.

2. Ensures just rewards and repercussions

Since you know what you expect from whom, you will reward those who deserve and correct those who have made errors respectfully.

Supervisors without proper management skills blame the whole team whenever there is an unattained goal.

Generalization will demoralize the employees who give their best. Consequently, the overall performance will drop. Employ performance management techniques to rewards justly.

3. Employees will feel appreciated.

Performance management will help you make your employees feel seen and heard. Every leader should ensure they achieve this.

For someone to give their best, they have to feel appreciated. You giving just rewards will bring out this emotion in the people you supervise.

4. Boosts Morale

Now that your employees feel appreciated, thanks to your performance management skills, they will feel motivated.

A classic example is when you delegate tasks to your employees and promise them a commission if they reach a specific target.

You always get positive results. If you ignore your team, they will not put effort into their work.

No one wants to manage a team that has no morale to work, do you? Make motivating your employees your goal. It will benefit the organization in the long run.

5. Increases Performance

Once your employees feel motivated to work, an increase in performance is a given. Isn’t this the ultimate goal?

Use performance management skills to help increase your team’s productivity. Doing this will ensure they achieve your set targets or even exceed them.

Do you see how performance management is essential, especially for you as a supervisor?

If you want to have an achieving team, sign up for a Performance Management Class for leaders this August.

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