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Aug 30, 2012

ATU Manager - ESA Job (Kenya - Non Location Specific, KE)

Job Category: Sales
Location: Kenya - Non Location Specific, KE
Job ID: 806049-90436
Division: Sales

The ATU Sales Manager role adds value to Microsoft by leading a well-managed sales business resulting in long-term, predictable revenue growth. Success is measured by Sales and Relationship Services quota/plan and Rhythm of the Business Scorecard metrics that are met or exceeded (as defined by FY commitments; by all individual team members meeting or exceeding targets; by the effective use of empowerment; by the ATU Sales Manager’s demonstration of sound business judgement; and by positive feedback or scores/ratings on Manager Feedback and WHI (Workgroup Health Index).
The ATU Sales Manager role adds value to customers by providing an executive presence and continuity to customers at the subsidiary or district level. Success is measured by customer satisfaction (results from NSAT scores and anecdotal feedback), an expanded # of customer contacts and increased penetration into other areas of the customer’s business.
How does the ATU Sales Manager role add value?
The ATU Sales Manager role adds value by:
1. Leading a consistent and predictable sales business where team members are enabled to perform at their best.
2. Developing high-performing ATU teams and team members who are considered to be the best sales assets in the market.
3. Developing and growing strong customer executive relationships between Microsoft and customers.
4. Driving integration and orchestration within the Leadership team.
5. Ensuring execution of vertical and local/regional/Corporate strategies and alignment of these strategies in each account teams’ account planning efforts and execution against these plans.
How is the ATU Sales Manager role unique from other roles?
The ATU Sales Manager role is unique in:
1. Its leadership of an account team that is diverse, with a focus on managing and developing to this diversity of skills, motivations and goals.
2. Its enablement of team members who consistently meet or exceed sales targets, surpass stretch goals and develop professionally.
3. Its ability to demonstrate integrated market thinking, bringing customers, partners and Industry Priority Solutions Scenarios (IPSS) together.
4. Its responsibility for ensuring that his/her business is effective, predictable and consistent.
5. Its focus on the customer relationship and partnership, bringing feedback from the customer to Microsoft, enabling executive relationships and providing continuity for customers at the local subsidiary or district level.
6. Its enablement of Microsoft strategies and initiatives, guaranteeing their implementation within his/her ATU.
What are the key initiatives and challenges facing the ATU Sales Manager role over the next 6 months to 3 years?
The key initiatives and challenges facing the ATU Sales Manager role are:
1. Ensuring ATU team members and opportunity resources sell broader and deeper into the customer business.
2. Working effectively with other team units and with Marketing and Services in coordinated operations to drive revenue targets, optimized sales productivity, penetration goals, deployment objectives and customer satisfaction.
3. Driving accountability and ownership of processes and clarity around opportunity engagement (handoffs, resourcing, partner attach).
Continuing to advocate/drive sales excellence with all team unit and group Leads.

Experience: 8 - 10 years. At least 3 years of a successful track record managing up to 15 (or more)* people in a sales or services capacity is required.
Education: MBA / Master's Degree / Bachelor's Degree
Trining / Certification: Sales and partner management, complex sales training (e.g., Miller Hyman, Spin, Michael Bosworth, Holden, Krauthammer, etc.), sales methodologies (equivalent to MSSP), broad evangelism through events (presentation skills), effective marketing tactics, negotiation, financial analysis, Line of Business applications space, business process consulting or automation, CRM (Siebel or other), Employee Performance Management (systems and processes)

Job Segments: Business Process, Consulting, CRM, ERP, Human Resources, Management, Manager, Marketing, Marketing Manager, MBA, Performance Management, Siebel, Technology

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