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Jul 5, 2016

CAFOD Urgent Consultancy: Energy Analysis and Linkage to Climate Resilient Agriculture Research in Kenya

Terms of References: Kenya’s County Level Energy Analysis and Linkage to Climate Resilient Agriculture

1.0 Introduction and Background to research consultancy

CAFOD is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales and part of Caritas International. 

Across the world we bring hope and compassion to poor communities, standing side by side with them to end poverty and injustice. 

We work with people of all faiths and none. Inspired by Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching, and the experiences and hopes of people living in poverty, CAFOD works for a safe, sustainable and peaceful world. 

CAFOD is looking for a qualified consultant / firms to conduct an energy analysis. This activity is being implemented under the UKAID matched fund III project being implemented by CAFOD and its 3 partners. 

The project; Climate Resilient Agriculture targets to transform the livelihoods of 300,000 poor women, men and children in marginalised rural areas of Bangladesh, Kenya, Myanmar and Zimbabwe. 

It also aims to achieve improved livelihoods security for poor women, men and children from hazard-prone and/or marginalised rural communities in Kenya through an integrated approach that: increases the productivity and resilience of agricultural systems; consolidates engagement in markets and diversified income generation; strengthens adaptation to climate change; and increases the ability of local, small scale food producers to access services and influence development practices. 

In Kenya, this project is being implemented in three Counties: Kitui, Marsabit and Samburu.

Audience and Use of Report – The study will contribute towards realisation of the project output one; Small holder farmers are using sustainable and agro-ecological practices; specifically, on improving access to sustainable and affordable sources of energy; building capacity on the equitable management and conservation of natural resources see page 7 of Match Fund III project proposal. 

This research will further constitute the standpoint for specific response practices (such as Caritas Maralal work on energy bill and Charcoal act by Caritas Kitui) on energy and informed perspectives. 

It will provide Match fund III project implementing partners with evidence to communicate to policy makers on issues pertaining sustainable, affordable energy and climate resilient agricultural practises. 

It will also inform joint advocacy initiative of the implementing partners as they engage the local media, local community members/groups NGOs and respective county governments as well for learning by other Match Find III implementing partners outside Kenya.

1.2 Consultancy Objectives:

  1. Conduct energy policy audit and energy (advocacy) issues on Marsabit and Samburu county governments’ energy policies and practises. This shall include profiling policy and other barriers exist to accessing and using sustainable and affordable energy.

  2. Conduct analysis on key sources of energy (cooking, lighting, economic etc.) among the match fund III project beneficiaries and analyse the merits and de-merits of these energy sources. This will include ‘energy’ practises among the beneficiaries.

  3. In line with objective II above analyse the potential implications of these sources on energy on projects aim to realise climate resilient agriculture for example, what are the potential implications of using wood/charcoal fuel on environment that supports climate resilient farming work?

  4. Analyse solar, biomass and electric cooking alternatives (supplied with electricity by mini-grid or central grid connection) in relation to the current reliance on wood-based fuels for stoves (as part of a 3 county study, see below). This research would largely rely on existing research on cook stoves as well as new research on clean cooking alternatives now available in Kenya.

  5. Summarize the different options and energy pathways for both counties energy needs in sustainable, affordable, safe and reliable ways, in line with national and international climate protection targets and achieving universal energy access by 2030. This shall include profile each County’s energy supply and demand growth scenarios, and illustrate the energy pathways that would best meet demand growth in a climate compatible development scenario.

  6. Develop and generate at least 4 case studies of project beneficiaries’ experiences on different forms of energy. For example, impact of use of wood fuel or how CAFOD has supported them access sustainable energy.

  7. Document the key energy decision maker’s/energy structures at County level and their role in respective counties.

  8. Make actionable and realistic recommendations to specific targets on strategies and policy approaches for putting into practise clean, affordable and sustainable energy that supports climate resilient agriculture in the two Counties.

1.3 Methodology

The consultant will conduct both primary and secondary data collection and critical examination of both qualitative and quantitative information. 

Priority will need to be given to case study approach-illustrating testimonials and human stories of experience from Match Fund III project beneficiaries. 

The consultant should propose the detailed research methodology to address the objectives of this study together with sampling methods, sample size and research tools. 

The developed research tools will be reviewed and approved by CAFOD. Field data collection will be implemented by enumerators selected from the local community. 

This will be done collaboratively by the consultant and the respective implementing partners with guidance from CAFOD.

1.4 Consultant’s: Deliverables, Asks and Tasks

Task 1: Review of relevant documentation including project documents among other literature review.

Task 2:  Design and develop the research methodology (data collection methods/tools, field protocols, research ethics, data collection tools, field work design including sampling design, data processing and data analysis reporting and feedback); Materials for training partners to undertake fieldwork component of the study; Proposed means of capturing and coding responses, data entry and data analysis; An outline of the proposed format for the final report in consultation with CAFOD program Team, and submit an Inception Report to CAFOD Nairobi office. 

Task 3: Train and support the data collection team consisting of CAFOD, implementing partner staff and enumerators involved in the study, and ensure the smoothness of coordination between the consultant team, data collection team and relevant key stakeholders in the said counties.

Task 4: Pre-test the data collection tools to ensure they are linguistically and culturally appropriate and are suitable for the study objectives.

Task 5: Coordinate, support and supervise the data collection team to conduct the fieldwork according to the agreed research methodology, locations and schedules.

Task 7: Collect analyse, validate the data, and collect further data if necessary.

Task 8: Prepare first draft report and submit to CAFOD and partner teams for review, comments and feedback. This draft will need to have at least four in-depth case studies with good pictures and well-presented photos.

Task 9: Produce and submit the final report as scheduled in this Tor. The report should be written to a high standard and in a format easily accessible to a wider audience and not exceed 25 pages.

Task 10: Submit all electronic and hard copy of data and final report to CAFOD Nairobi office.

Policy Frameworks to be used for the research, but not limited to this

  • Kenya’s Vision 2030 goals

  • Kenya’s National Climate Change Action Plan & 2016 Climate Change Bill

  • Kenya’s 2014 Energy Bill

  • Respective County CIDP and other documents obtained at desk or field work.

  • Kenya’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC)

  • SDG7 on access to affordable, reliable and sustainable modern energy


1.5 Deliverables

  • Data collection tools to be signed off by CAFOD.

  • First draft and final report as outlined. (see 1.10 for structure of the report)

  • Comprehensive publishable 2-page summary of key findings, conclusions and recommendations.

  • Clear and attractive Power Point Presentation (PPT) including main findings, conclusions and recommendations

1.6 Research Ethics, Style and Child Protection

CAFOD Child Protection policy standards and research ethics must be complied with at all times while this assignment is carried out. 

Consultants should provide a short statement within their proposal on how they will ensure ethics and child protection in the process. 

This should include consideration of any risks related to the study and how these will be mitigated. 

Research ethics plan detailing approach to ensuring complete compliance with international good practices in research ethics and protocols describe administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect the confidentiality of those participating in the data collection process and the data collected from the study.

Style and content of the report Indicatively the report should include an introduction, a review of the available literature, a description of the research purpose, objectives and questions, the methodology applied including the research matrix, guiding questions and questionnaire (in annex) and limitations of the study. 

The research findings should be presented and analysed according to the research plan, using an accessible and plain language.

1.7 Competencies, Qualifications and Experience Required

  • The consultant or consulting firm will have a demonstrated experience in social sciences research, in relevant to energy and climate resilient agriculture or related fields

  • Proven experience and solid knowledge demonstrating understanding of policy spaces at the National and County government levels in Kenya.

  • Extensive knowledge of agricultural and energy issues at work in Kenyan rural context with challenges and opportunities of devolved governance structure in mind.

  • Demonstrable experience of conducting similar task with local communities in Kenya or rural Africa.

  • Proven experiences in designing and leading participatory researches focused on climate resilient agriculture, energy in rural socio-economic context

  • Proven experience in designing researches on climate resilient agriculture related to development interventions.

  • Good knowledge and practise of SPSS tool and ability to supervise data entry clerks and train enumerators on expectations.

  • Proven experience as a research team leader, strong team leadership/team skills and the ability to work as part of a team with other experts.

  • Flexible and willingness to work in a team to complete any task arising during research process. This includes willingness to work odd hours and in rural Africa’s remote conditions during the field work.

  • Ability to produce well-written reports, in a plain and approachable text, demonstrating excellent analytical and communication skills.

  • Ability to coordinate the research team and to establish constructive relations

1.8 Budget and Mode of Payment

The consultant should submit a proposed budget for the exercise.

1.9 Reporting Requirements

The consultant will submit a final report (report will remain the sole property of CAFOD) in English with the following format:

  • Executive Summary

  • Introduction

  • Objectives and approach of the study

  • Literature review

  • Findings

  • Conclusions and recommendations

  • Annexes

  • Note: Final report must peak at a maximum of 25 pages excluding Annexes. This will include a separate 2-page summary.

1.10 Submission of EOI

Consultants / Firms / Individuals that meet the requirements should submit an expression of interest, which should include the following:

The Consultant will submit both a technical and a financial proposal that include the following:

1. Technical:

a) Demonstration of the consultants’ understanding of the terms of reference. This will be included as an interpretation of the consultants understanding of the requirements of this assignment rather than a summary or re-statement of the Terms of Reference.

b) A detailed methodology on how the assessment will be conducted, including a valid sampling method(s) for data collection, possible respondents and linking these with the tools to be administered to each respondent or category of respondents.

  • Include and elaborate on the tools to be used. Clearly show which respondents or category of respondents will be interviewed and/ or which information will be collected using the tool.

  • A clear and detailed work plan (Gantt chart and/or other relevant illustration) indicating time lines.

2. Financial:

a) An itemized and detailed budget, indicating the unit costs for consultancy fees in Kenya Shillings.

3. Annexes

b)  Organizational capacity statement, past experience and relevant activities

c) Curriculum Vitae of all person(el) to be involved in the review. Outline of support personnel and services available to consultants

d) Names, addresses, telephone numbers of at least three referees.

e) Full names, post office box, telephone numbers, e-mail address, physical address and contact person of the consultancy

Send and submit your applications by or 5.00pm EAT on 6th July 2016 to the following emails:;  copied to   

Qualified firms/individuals are encouraged to apply early as applications will be assessed on rolling basis.

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