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Oct 29, 2010

KEMRI NGO Job. Assistant District Program Coordinator Vacancy

Family AIDS Care and Education Services (FACES) is collaboration between Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and the University of California, San Francisco. It is a dynamic comprehensive HIV prevention, care and treatment program in Kenya. The Program has received funding for the next five years and is in the process of restructuring.

The following position is available for competition. The program is seeking motivated, pro-active individuals to fill the role of Assistant Coordinator for FACES Program.

Position: Assistant District Program Coordinator Vacancy No. FN2—26 -2010

Location:Kisumu East district

Key Requirements:
Degree in Medicine and registered (or eligible) to practice with the Kenya Medical and Dental Practitioners Board
Minimum 1 year experience in management and HIV Clinical care.
Excellent written and verbal communication
Knowledge of MS office
Must have demonstrated exemplary leadership skills
Must be a team player and motivator

Duties include:
Development of program systems to ensure delivery of high quality accessible HIV prevention, care and treatment services in the districts we support
Oversight of the implementation of the programs developed including clinical care, mentoring, training, site
evaluation and development, counseling and education, community follow-up, commodity management, and
monitoring and evaluation at the district level.
Oversight of budget development and participation in budget management
Developing and maintaining relations with the partners including the Ministry of Health, collaborators and donors
Clinical mentoring and training
Leadership development and capacity building

The job involves approximately 50% program development and coordination, and 50% clinical mentoring and patient care.

Applications should include the following:
A cover letter and a current CV with names and telephone contacts of at least 3 referees and your e-mail address and telephone numbers.
At least two letters of recommendation from supervisors of relevant work experience (HIV care/ and or
Copies of official certificates, testimonials and latest pay slip
All applications should be delivered or posted so as to reach the following address by 5thNovember 2010.
Human Resources Manager

P.O. Box 614, Code 40100

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