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Nov 17, 2011

Solidarites Terms of Reference - Final Evaluation Bardera (Somalia)

Final Evaluation Terms of Reference

Country: Somalia

Project title: Assistance to IDPs and host community vulnerable populations in South Somalia

ECHO Grant Reference Number: Assistance to IDPs and host community vulnerable populations in South Somalia

Grant funding amount: €1,209,700

Project duration and period: 12 months (01/12/2010 to 30/11/2011)

Location: Bardera and Elwak Districts of Gedo region

Starting date: 15th December 2012 (indicative and subject to the prevailing security/access context)

Duration of the field mission: 14 days in various project locations in Bardera and El Wak Districts of Gedo Region,Somalia

Time dedicated to the desk review: 4 days

Time dedicated to report writing: 7 days

Under responsibility of: Deputy Country Director for Somalia

Funding Sources for the evaluation: ECHO

Presentation of Solidarités Program in Bardera/Elwak Districts

Solidarités International is an international non-governmental organization which provides humanitarian assistance to population affected by natural disaster or man-made crisis.

For over 30 years, Solidarités has concentrated its action on meeting three vital needs: Water, Food and Shelter. In the Horn of Africa, Solidarités is currently implementing Food Security, Water and Sanitation projects in Somalia and Kenya.

Solidarités began its intervention in Bardera District of Somalia in 2007, with a seeds and tools distribution program for households living along the Juba River.

Since this first program, the intervention of Solidarités in Bardera District has been progressively increased and diversified.

From the initial farming support activities, Solidarités has expanded its program to include rehabilitation of water structures and other social infrastructure, improvement of sanitation and hygiene practices, and a significant emergency response capacity.

The target beneficiaries of the program include protracted IDPs and households living in the rain-fed area in addition to the riverine communities.

Presentation of the Context

Communities in Gedo Region are suffering from ongoing drought caused by the failure of both 2010 Deyr and 2011 Gu rain seasons. The drought has caused widespread crop failure, depleted local livelihoods, limited crop production and food availability especially in Bardera and Elwak districts.

The region is also being affected by insecurity as a result of ongoing conflict between the Al-Shabaab and TFG allied forces who are jostling for regional control. The project geographic areas covered by ECHO funded action ECHO/SOM/BUD/2010/01013 have been in control of Al Shabaab forces since 2009. The current security context is dynamic and potential evaluator(s) should be capable of accessing the area and managing the security risks.

Gedo Region has traditionally been a “bread basket” area, providing food to other regions of South Somalia, however the 2011 drought has led to collapse of the local farming production, increasing food insecurity and leading to high rates of malnutrition especially for children under 5 years of age.

The drought has also depleted water and pasture sources in the villages far from the Juba river, causing displacement of pastoral populations towards the riverine areas. There is also an ongoing influx of IDPs into Bardera Town from nearby pastoral zones (drop-our pastoralists) and other regions of South Somalia.

Large numbers of IDPs, host community households require immediate support in food aid, water, medical services and basic shelter (IDP) to save lives as well as to address the causal factors of malnutrition.

Presentation of the project to be evaluated


This project (Grant reference No: ECHO/SOM/BUD/2010/01013) is a continuation ECHO funded interventions in Bardera district since 2007.

The project aims to provide assistance to drought and conflict affected communities in the district by improving access to safe drinking water and promoting sound sanitation and hygiene practices.

The project also aims to enhance food security through providing support to agricultural production and alternative livelihood options.


To improve sanitation, access to water and food security for vulnerable populations in Gedo region of Southern Somalia


Result 1: Improved access to safe water, sanitation conditions and hygiene practices for vulnerable IDP and host population in Southern Somalia

Result 2: Improved food security for IDPs and vulnerable host population in Southern Somalia

Activities under Result 1.

1.1 Construct 5 infiltration wells along the river for common IDP and riverine population use

1.2 Flood mitigation response: embankment raising and opening up of water ways in flood prone villages through cash for work

1.3 Distribute 2,000 ceramic filters

1.4 Distribute 1,200 NFI kits to IDPs and other vulnerable populations

1.5 Construct 200 latrines in IDP camps with hand washing points (latrine to be shared by 5 households)

1.6 Rehabilitation of 6 shallow wells for pastoralists community in Bardera, Fafadun and Ceel Wak

1.7 Provide water trucking for at least 2 months to six pastoral villages during acute water shortages periods in the dry season

1.8 Rehabilitation and expansion of 10 rain water catchments (minimum 1,200 cubic meters each) and construction of 10 rain water catchment infiltration wells in rain fed areas

1.9 Maintain adequate stock of chlorine tablets and water maker sachets Pur for distribution in emergencies and during disease outbreak

1.10 Hygiene promotion with messages of basic sound hygiene practices using IEC materials and radio messages

Activities under result 2

2.1 Provide support to 500 households of IDPs and vulnerable host communities in riverine areas to have increased access to farmland and by providing agricultural inputs (seeds, land clearing, hand tools, oxen and ox-ploughs, water pumps) and agriculture extension services

2.2 Provide 200 bee-keeping kits and capacity building training sessions

Purposes of the evaluation

The purpose of this evaluation is to meet donor requirement as well to draw lessons from the experiences and challenges the programme team has built in the course of the project.

This evaluation will cover all the dynamics of the project including evaluating each and every activity as per the proposal. Recommendations from the evaluation will help in defining and improving the future Solidarités interventions in the area and the general development of the programme.

Scope and focus of the evaluation

The evaluation will focus on the operation’s approach, the implementation process and the performance of the programme.

The project should be evaluated through the following criteria:

Relevance (including adaptation to changing needs):

Recommendations for improving each of the evaluation criteria should be presented in the evaluation report. A suggested action plan corresponding to each recommendation should also be included in the evaluation report. Recommendations for the strategic orientation of the next project should also be made.

The evaluation should also assess the appreciation of the program by the beneficiaries as well as their participation at various levels of the project management cycle.

Finally, the evaluation should assess if/how the implementation of the program is respectful of the ethics of humanitarian practice vis-à-vis the SPHERE standards and the Code of conduct for the Red Cross Movement and for NGO during emergency intervention.

Evaluation process and methods

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