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Jun 22, 2015


Job Description

Resolution Insurance Company Ltd is a general insurer offering innovative and responsive insurance solutions. 

We have learned to adapt in this constantly changing society, and develop comprehensive products that are relevant to our clients. 

We currently have over 60,000 members in our fold and have partnered with over 500 medical service providers across East Africa; a strong network of hospitals, clinics and doctors.

The Resolution Insurance brand is energetic and trendy. 

In pursuit of our ambitious growth plan, we are looking to fill the below position in our Finance Department.

Accounts Assistant – Premium Management

The Accounts Assistant’s overall purpose is to ensure accurate & timely invoicing, receipting and payment for and on behalf of Resolution Insurance.


The jobholder is expected to demonstrate commitment and loyalty and perform all duties in accordance with the organization’s office routines and procedures, keeping in mind the overall business objectives.

Key Outputs

Process, invoice and reconcile Individual or corporate business in actisure

Post receipt of payments for EB business into pastel

Correctly assign broker/agents to policies

Raise debit/credit notes, interest rates and premium refunds for clients

Ensure all premiums are fully paid and clients do not have debts before renewing or processing business

Keep accurate and updated payment/deductions/commissions schedules for agents and brokers

Run invoices through the ETR machine

Invoice fund accounts and fund top-ups

Qualifications & Experience


Bachelor of Commerce degree in Finance or Accounting

CPA I & II qualification

6 months – 1 year relevant work experience.

Good knowledge of Microsoft office and accounting software especially Pastel


Good time management skills

Ability to work responsibly with or without direct supervision.

How to Apply

If you believe you are a team player and would be a valuable resource to this ever growing brand, kindly CLICK HERE to apply online by COB, Wednesday, 29th June 2015.

By Selipha Kihagi

Many a times we say stuff we don’t mean to or mean to say one thing but end up saying another. While this can go unnoticed in a casual environment, the workplace is more judgmental and can
easily ruin one’s career.

So, if there was a promotion you were well suited for but your junior got it, stop blaming your employer. You may have said either of these 5 things at the office.

What Not To Say in The Workplace

1. That is not my job
Your co-worker has probably asked you to help out on a task or you’ve been requested to handle an issue that is not in your job description. While it is okay to say no, it will be unprofessional of you to reply in this manner. Be polite, for example, you can say you’d like to help but you’re working on a particular task – be specific.

READ ALSO >>> Tips To Job Search When You’re Employed

2. I can’t do anything about that
This is an attitude that is not acceptable in any workplace. Employers want to work with optimistic minds, people who will go extra lengths to complete difficult tasks and saying this portrays you as being negative. You can say good bye to that promotion.

3. I’m not sure…but I think
This statement may be true, but your team members and boss need to work with someone who knows what they are talking about. If you are not sure about something, table it like a matter of discussion. Say it like you know for sure – even when you don’t. That way, no one will be quick to mistrust an idea.

4. I don’t have time for that
Well, if you never have time to perform an extra task that is important to the organisation and you
are arrogant enough so say it, chances are you’re already in the next lay-off list. Also, none of your
co-worker will have good things to say about you.

5. In this company, it is done like thisAnyone who says this has clearly shut their mind to creativity and innovation. You want to follow the
old ways of doing things even when there is a new and more effective way of doing the same thing.
Employers want people who challenge conventional ways –  even if they don’t say it

Do not miss out on a promotion because you were too quick to speak, always think about what you intend to say.

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Position: Sales Representatives

Duration: One Year

Probation: 3 Months

Location: Nairobi

A Kenyan Medium Sized Bank is looking for ambitious, ‘opportunity hungry’ Sales Force to represent its brand to its potential growing clientele within East Africa.

The Sales team should be self driven, self motivated and independent and should work with minimum supervision. 

The contract will be on commission basis, with greater chances to grow your monthly income and a chance to represent the bank within East Africa. 

Kindly note, only on successful sales teams will be considered for this chance. 


The bank shall also greatly consider successful candidates after probation in long term opportunities; a chance you cannot afford to take for granted.

If you have the following:

  • Ability to Sale and close deals

  • Self Confident to face a group of people

  • Eloquent enough to make clear presentations

  • Fluent in English and Kiswahili

  • Hungry to earn, create and grow wealth

  • Ambitious and resilient

  • Focused ‘ONLY’ to SUCCEED

  • Experienced in sales

Then here is your chance to become the best you can be and grow yourself and the people around you. 

Please send your CVs to by the 29th June 2015 Midnight, and attach the following:

  • Colored passport photo on your CV

  • Academic qualifications in color

  • Identification documents

  • P.I.N. Certificate

  • Certificate of Good Conduct (or an interim)

  • Full contacts of two referees who know you well

Chances are limited to the best TEN SALES SLOTS ONLY. 

Therefore the deadline should be strictly adhered to. 

Kindly note; you shall be automatically disqualified if you do not attach any one document above.


VSF Germany has been awarded a 36 months project spanning from the 1st October 2014- September 30th, 2017. This funding is from the European Union’s (EU) under the kitty strengthening the Horn of Africa’s Resilience Programme (SHARE Kenya).


The title of the project is Community Action for Improved Drought Response and Resilience(CAIDRR) which covers Marsabit Central and Laisamis Sub-counties respectively. The overall objective of the programme is ‘to contribute towards improving food security in ASAL livelihoods through enhanced response and resilience to drought’. The action will be implemented through a consortium of three NGOs namely: Community Initiatives Facilitation and Assistance-CIFA; Water Right Foundation-WRF and VSF Germany – being the lead agency.

The overall coordination of the project at the county level will be conducted by National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) Marsabit, with technical guidance of NDMA HQ in Nairobi. Additionally, the project will collaborate closely with the County Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries development (MoALFD), the Ministry of Water and Natural Resources among other partners to ensure the success and attainment of its objectives.


Result 1: Capacities and systems for local preparedness, response to asset protection, and management actions are improved.

Result 2: Access to services and management of livelihood resources and assets are improved.

VSF Germany is therefore looking for a consultant to be based at the Marsabit office with frequent travel to project activity locations. The consultant will work closely with project officers while providing technical input to specific activities under Result 1 and Result 2 and frequently report progress to the Project Manager.


Support to Holistic / Ecosystem Management (Natural Resource Management process)

1.Baseline survey:

Conduct community awareness and a KAP survey in 6 locations. Identify and document traditional ecosystem management practices, establish indicators in us for measuring ecosystem health, and to identify the main challenges in community resources management systems. The survey is to be conducted through meetings and 3 workshops in each of the three locations; Mt. Kulal, Loiyangalani and Ol-turot.


a. KAP survey tools and report

b. Detailed report on traditional rangeland management systems and challenges.

c. Established channels for learning, mobilization and dissemination teams.

d. Reports of community awareness meetings in each site.

e. Solution trees for resource use challenges.

2.Natural Resource use mapping:

2.1 Conduct workshops with 6 communities to explore land and water issue systems, problem analysis, ecosystem processes, and tools used by communities for managing rangeland resources. Introduce principles of holistic management into, community grazing plans and core teams for initiating resource use practices


f. Rangeland resource use/status reports

g. Maps showing rangeland resources and use patterns

h. Defined/Documented ways of incorporating HRM into grazing plans.

i. ONE community-led strategy for implementing HNRM practices; YEAR 2/3;

j. 6 community core teams for implementation of HNRM practices.

2.2 Train management level staff on Holistic Resource Management (incl. KARI, GoK, Partners,)

2.3 Train on Rangeland management/Holistic management approach, KWS policies, Participatory M & E and NRM Governance for DRR, (WUAs, EMCs’, CMDC, Peace, LMA) committees. One training session of 5 days in each of the 3 locations for 30 participants.

2.4 Support setting of principles for joint planning, goal setting, options analysis, prioritization and baseline monitoring in HNRM.

2.5 Support choice of area(s) for piloting the HNRM practices by participants


k. Develop a HNRM community training manual/guide,

l. Training Reports,

m. Action plans for implementing learning by participants.

n. Two HNRM piloting site

3.Train 12 Field Resource Team (Community resource persons, GoK staff and implementing partners) from the six locations (2 per location)

Identify with each community 2 persons to train as trainers and facilitators for improved land management and implementation of community action plans for HNRM in their communities. The trainings will involve on-site and combined off-site mentoring sessions during Year 2/3 of the project, with trainers then providing on-site mentoring to community resource teams.


a. 12 community resource teams in target communities;

b. Grazing management teams established

c. 3 pilot sites and 1 control site in each of the 3 locations; in Ol-turot, Mt. Kulal and Larachi

d. Animals to be tried on pilot sites and participants to monitor land status agreed.

e. GPS maps of the pilot sites and control documented

f. Training manual/guide for the community resource persons;

g. Training reports;

h. Priority Action plans for Year 2 & 3 for the resource teams;

i. Mentoring/follow up reports and schedules for mentorship visits by the consultant.

4.Follow up and technical backstopping visits (Mentoring & Monitoring)

a. The consultant will provide technical support to the field resource teams and communities for a period of 1-2 years of the project.

b. Field resource teams will be tasked to facilitate implementation of action plans to pilot HNRM practices by their communities between the different training sessions/modules. This will provide them opportunity to guide their respective communities and them to have training on the job and acquire experiences.

c. The consultant and management staff will facilitate the resource teams and communities to develop: Holistic Grazing Plans (HPG); Resource sharing plans, Resource use rules and regulations, Develop and sign reciprocal grazing agreements. Mentor community resource teams in their home sites, on practical grazing planning, implementation of the grazing plans, animal impact management and learning analysis


a. 1 Holistic Grazing plans with clear Rotation periods and sequencing; Resource use rules and regulations for all the sites

b. 3 Reciprocal grazing agreements between neighbouring communities (developed and signed);

c. 12 competent and active resource teams;

d. Mentoring reports;

e. Reports of Animal impact management.

A.Method of Work

The consultant will work closely with the VSF Germany field teams and directly answerable to the Project Manager. The work will be done in an intermittent manner spread over 2 years of the project and the consultant will guarantee his/her availability over the entire period as agreed in the contract.

VSF Germany will support the process in identifying target communities to be involved in the HNRM initiatives, key stakeholders and implementing partners as well as mobilizing target participants for the scheduled meetings and training workshops conducted by the consultants. This will be based on the work plan developed by the consultant in consultation with VSFG teams.

Implementation process

a. The process will utilize a Community Action Cycle (CAC) for engaging and working together with communities. The emphasis on the CAC is to transfer skills and build capacity of communities for self review, planning, implementation and evaluation of their natural resource management practices.

b. The first summary report of Baseline survey, Natural Resource use mapping , 12 teams of community resource persons’ will be presented by end of first quarter of the assignment. Training of community resource persons, manuals, and defined plan of action for technical backstopping presented in second quarter on the work.

c. A draft of documentation of lessons learnt and best practices completed and presented to VSFG for comments in the last month of the consultancy work .The final version of the two above mentioned documents, after approval by VSFG, will be submitted latest one month after completion of Field work by the consultant. Reports shall be in form of hard copies (3) and soft copies (3) submitted to project Manager.

d. Each phase summarizes: number of days, consultant facilitator team size, planned month of the activity, number trips to be made by the consultant to the field/sites, expected number of sites for the activity and associated deliverables. The process is outlined for 2016 and will continue into 2017 being made as the final part of the process for the calendar year.

B.Qualifications, Skills and experience

a. At least 5 years of experience of implementing disaster risk reduction initiatives, Holistic Natural Resource Management, community disaster preparedness and resilience action, and trainings with emphasis on use of participatory approaches in the Horn of Africa.

b. At least a Natural Resource Management, Rangelands Management, Environmental Science, Disaster Management, or Social science, Development studies with proven work experience in natural resource management.

c. Good knowledge and experience in community resource use contingency and development planning.

d. Excellent analytical, presentation and writing skills.

e. Experience in qualitative data gathering and analysis.

f. Knowledge and experience of working with pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities.

g. Past work experience in Marsabit County is highly desired.

h. Team player and commitment to deliver on planned actions.

i. Self organization, proactive and advanced time management skills

E. Working environment:

a. Marsabit county

b. Travel required to activity Locations: 90% field based except for preparatory work by the consultant

F. Time schedule: July 2015 – August 2017

This is a long time engagement and consultant will providing technical backstopping over a period of time to build capacity of communities and resource teams in holistic natural resource management. The work will span over 2 years with a lot of training and mentoring sessions in the field. However, any adjustments should ensure that the work is completed within the stipulated period of time as provided for in the ToR and signed contract with specified work schedules.

G. Assistance to the consultant by the contracting authority.

VSF Germany will make available the following information and facilities to the Consultant:

a. Share any relevant reports, documents, maps, existing designs and data at her disposal;

b. Allow use of office space in Marsabit town as necessary and/or other office within the working area;

c. Arrange for various meetings in the field with stakeholders (Consultant to make advance request);

d. Provide staff to introduce and link the consultant to target communities and assist in community liaison and translation.

e. Provide transport to and from the sites in the field.

f. Provide accommodation and meals to the consultant while providing technical assistance to the project. Accommodation and meals will be provided at the VSF Germany base in Marsabit.

H. Payment for the Work Done.

a. Consultancy fee shall be paid on a monthly basis and once specific target deliverables set per month are achieved by the consultant.

b. Payment will be based on actual time spent by the consultant at the project site, verified by the daily attendance sheet as recorded by VSF Germany Project Manager in charge.

c. Consultant shall be required to provide original invoice and a report of each completed activity to facilitate payment. The report MUST be approved by VSFG technical team before payment is made.

I.What the consultant will provide:

a. Own staff to assist in the works.

b. If accommodated within VSF-G compound he/she will adhere to laid down rules and regulations.


Job Description

The Company: Biomax Technologies Pte Ltd is a Singapore-based biotechnology company with a wide global presence.  

With our “Winning Green” philosophy and a strong focus on innovation, we develop cutting-edge technologies that support sustainability in industrial and agricultural sectors.As we continue our expansion journey, we are looking for more passionate and talented individuals who share similar values and vision to join the Biomax family.

The Role: Business Development Manager (Kenya)

Location: Nairobi

Job Responsibilities:

Develop and pursue business opportunities to enable greater market penetration in organic fertilisers market.

Assist in the marketing of organic fertilisers to potential customers in Kenya with the objective of securing long-term contracts in East Africa.

Formulate customer specific financials and cost effectiveness studies to highlight value propositions within long-term programmes.

Work closely with corporate office to deliver innovative and comprehensive solutions for customers.

Identify, build and maintain strong working relationships with strategic customers.

Collate and maintain a database of customers and potential customers.

Assist in the preparation and organising of sales, marketing and advertising in East Africa.

Any other special duties or projects as assigned by the senior management.

Job Requirements:

At least 5 years of working experience, preferably in similar capacity.

Possess excellent account management, interpersonal and relationship-building skills.

Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.  Fluency in indigenous languages used in the region is highly desirable.

Passion for sustainable development and green technology.

Ability to work independently and possess a strong track record of acquiring new clients.

Demonstrates leadership qualities, possess highly collaborative, agile, adaptive skills and have a growth mindset.

Possess the passion for selling and growing new business with a long term view.

Diploma / Degree in Business Administration / Management / Agriculture

How to Apply

Interested applicants, please submit your application to (indicating position) before 9 Jul 2015.

By Sera Kazungu

“I have been shortlisted and called for an interview, but the salary they are offering is way too low. I’m not sure I want to earn such an amount”writes Dama Mwaro In an Email.

First things first; Congratulations for getting the call for the interview this was a big hurdle. Do you
share the same predicament as Dama? Not to worry, there is a solution to this.

“It is possible to negotiate an advertised salary when you attend an interview, but there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it,”says Justus Ng’etich, a recruitment manager at corporate staffing services.

How exactly do you successfully request and get the advertised salary raised in your favor without being perceived to only be after the money?

How to get the salary you want during the interview
1. Show you are competent

Answering the questions posed as eloquently and precisely as possible will give you a platform to request for a higher salary. This is because the interviewer will see that you are worth the salary that you are asking for.

Hiring someone is usually an investment of sorts. Prove to a potential employer that you are an
investment worth making.

ALSO READ >>> Why You Need The Help Of An Interview Coach

2. Be realistic
Do not demand for a salary that you know you do not deserve. Your qualifications and experience are what will help you gauge the range of how much you should be paid. Do not be over ambitious as this will go a long way in ensuring that you do not even get considered for the job.

3. Request, do not demand

The interviewer is human too. Explaining why you deserve to have a salary increment and why, will be well received. However, you have to back it up with concrete facts and examples of your abilities and accomplishments. Do not act entitled and belittle the salary being offered. This is a time for you to humbly request your potential employer to empathize with you.

Next time you see that job advert you want to apply for and see a less than appealing salary, don’t shy away. Apply and when you get called for the interview, prove you are worth more than they are offering.

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Resolution Insurance Company Ltd is a general insurer offering innovative and responsive insurance solutions. 

We have learned to adapt in this constantly changing society, and develop comprehensive products that are relevant to our clients. 

We currently have over 60,000 members in our fold and have partnered with over 500 medical service providers across East Africa; a strong network of hospitals, clinics and doctors.

The Resolution Insurance brand is energetic and trendy. 

In pursuit of our ambitious growth plan, we are looking to fill the below position in our Medical Operations Department. 

Care Manager

Reporting to the Head of Care Management, the Care Manager’s purpose is to monitor, evaluate and coordinate medical benefit utilization to ensure quality, appropriate and cost effective care.

Key Responsibility Areas:

  • Coordinate the integration of care management functions into the patient care.

  • Conduct concurrent medical record review using specific indicators and criteria as approved by Resolution Insurance.

  • Investigate and report adverse occurrences relating to client’s management, policy with appropriate action to ensure compliance with quality patient care.

  • In liaison with the physician, maintain appropriate cost, case, and desired patient outcomes.

  • Evaluate patient satisfaction and quality of care provided.

  • Assess patient care required throughout continuum of care for diagnosis procedures.

  • Communicate with physicians at regular intervals throughout hospitalization and develop an effective working relationship.

  • Assess patient’s progress through expected hospital course.

  • Facilitate interdisciplinary patient care to review treatment goals and identify post-hospital needs.

Qualifications and Experience:

  • Degree/Higher National Diploma in Nursing or Clinical Medicine.

  • KRCHN Registration

  • At least 1-3 years relevant working experience.

  • Good interpersonal, communication and negotiation skills.

  • Basic knowledge of computers and office operating programmes.

  • Experience in an Insurance company.

  • A valid driving license.

  • A proven ability to build strong client relationships and maintain an excellent customer focus.


Job Description

A feed manufacturer is located at Thika is sourcing for the store supervisors for the Finished goods and Raw materials storesVacancy: Stores Supervisor – Raw Material

To plan coordinate and make reports on all raw materials stores activities of receiving, warehousing and issuing of stocks.

Key Result Areas

Control and monitor stock movement. 

Ensure proper documentation for receiving of raw materials. 

Raising of GRNS and confirming the invoices and the delivery notes.

Supervise and maintain records of weighed materials at the weighbridge and the store at all times

Issue raw materials to production and maintain the corrects documentation

Weighing of raw materials before issuing to production and ensuring the weighed materials are of the right quality/quantity.

Daily physical count and reconciliation of all the Raw material with the system

Keep and maintain accurate inventory records. 

Ensure the stock cards are well marked and updated in the store

In charge of raw materials re bagging’s for sale.

Supervising receipt and issuance of both raw materials

Supervise the  raw materials clerk and batching casuals

Ensure safety in the warehouse by monitoring stacking and clear gangways and maintaining of hygiene and good housekeeping practice in the warehouses.

Monitor stocks’ shelf life to ensure that there are no expiries in the store and that an effective FIFO system is in place.

Liaising with the Suppliers on matters of stock replenishment and maintain the supply chain logistics at highest levels of efficiency.

Maintaining high levels of cleanliness all the time.

Practice of safe handling and storage of stock

Any other duties assigned by the supervisor

Knowledge, Skills and Experience Required

Degree in Warehouse / Logistics management / Business Related Field or

Diploma in Store management

Minimum two years’ experience in a related field in a busy commercial environment

Computer proficiency

Possess good supervisory skills

How to Apply

If you meet the above requirements please send your CV to including your current pay. 

Only qualified candidates will be contacted.

Compiled By Jane Okoth

The United Nations is  one of the largest NGOs  in the World. A chance to work in one of the UN Bodies will be the best as

Latest UN Bodies Jobs In Kenya

The NGO is hiring for the following positions

ICT Officer– University degree in Computer Science, Information Science, Business Administration, Engineering, or related area.

Monitoring Officer– University degree in social sciences, development planning, planning, evaluation, survey implementation, advanced statistical research.

2. WFP
The World Food Programme Somalia activities include food assistance for relief, emergency school feeding, humanitarian air and logistics services, food coordination and emergency rehabilitation projects.

The NGO is now hiring a Program Assistant who Secondary school education, preferably supplemented by courses in a field related to WFP programmatic activities.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.

The Organization is now hiring for the following positions

Information Officer– Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in business or public administration, publishing, communication, computer or information systems, or related area.

Administrative Officer– Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in human resources management, business or public administration, social sciences, education or related field is required

Chief Scientist– An advanced university degree in natural or social science discipline relevant to addressing the current and future environmental challenges or related area.

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Resolution Insurance Company Ltd is a general insurer offering innovative and responsive insurance solutions. 

We have learned to adapt in this constantly changing society, and develop comprehensive products that are relevant to our clients. 

We currently have over 60,000 members in our fold and have partnered with over 500 medical service providers across East Africa; a strong network of hospitals, clinics and doctors.

The Resolution Insurance brand is energetic and trendy. 

In pursuit of our ambitious growth plan, we are looking to fill the below position in our Finance Department.

Accounts Assistant – Premium Management

The Accounts Assistant’s overall purpose is to ensure accurate & timely invoicing, receipting and payment for and on behalf of Resolution Insurance.


The jobholder is expected to demonstrate commitment and loyalty and perform all duties in accordance with the organization’s office routines and procedures, keeping in mind the overall business objectives.

Key Outputs

  • Process, invoice and reconcile Individual or corporate business in actisure

  • Post receipt of payments for EB business into pastel

  • Correctly assign broker/agents to policies

  • Raise debit/credit notes, interest rates and premium refunds for clients

  • Ensure all premiums are fully paid and clients do not have debts before renewing or processing business

  • Keep accurate and updated payment/deductions/commissions schedules for agents and brokers

  • Run invoices through the ETR machine

  • Invoice fund accounts and fund top-ups

Qualifications & Experience


  • Bachelor of Commerce degree in Finance or Accounting

  • CPA I & II qualification

  • 6 months – 1 year relevant work experience.

  • Good knowledge of Microsoft office and accounting software especially Pastel


  • Good time management skills

  • Ability to work responsibly with or without direct supervision.


Job Description

A feed manufacturer is located at Thika is sourcing for the store supervisors for the Finished goods and Raw materials storesStore Supervisor –  Finished Goods

The Store Supervisor will be responsible of maintaining good warehouse and excellent stock management practices to ensure effective inventory control and availability of saleable stock.

Key Result Areas

Ensure proper stacking of finished products and supervision of staking clerks.

Maintain cleanliness of finished products store

Daily stock take of all finished products and submitting the report to immediate manager

In charge of the transfer of finished products from production to finished goods store

In charge of Gunny bags replacement of old bags in finished goods

Ensure nil variances and conducting on-time reconciliation of any variance in the store i.e should be able to trace the cause of any variance

Keeping track of material usage, by ensuring stock movement sheet is duly recorded and properly filled sheet

In charge of space management in the store

Confirming invoices and other sale registers for loading goods to the trucks.

Timely raising of Sales Return Notes and forwarding the same for approval

Ensure safety in the warehouse by monitoring stacking and clear gangways and adhering to the SHE requirement in the warehouse.

Monitor stocks’ shelf life to ensure that there are no expiries in the store and that an effective FIFO system is in place.

Supervising stores personnel.

Any other duties that may be assigned to you by your superiors.

Knowledge, Skills and Experience Required

Degree in Warehouse/Logistics management/ Business Related Field or

Diploma in Store management

Minimum two years’ experience in a related field in a busy commercial environment

Computer proficiency

Possess good supervisory skills

How to Apply

If you meet the above requirements please send your CV to including your current pay. 

Only qualified candidates will be contacted.

Support Analyst – Intelligence Systems Jobs at Safaricom, Kenya

We are pleased to announce the following vacancy in the IS Operations Department within the Technology Division. In keeping with our current business needs, we are looking for a person who meets the criteria indicated below.

Job Description

Reporting to the Senior Manager- Enterprise System Support – the holder of the position will provide leading expert support to existing and upcoming internal Business Intelligence, FMS, Subscriber Registration, RAID, DCM/SAS and other related reporting systems and provide end user support.

Support Analyst Job Responsibilities

Provide expert support (and system management where applicable) for assigned systems and applications.

Maintain Data and Application availability for all assigned systems and applications.

Provide 1st Level and 2nd Level applications support (and system management where applicable) for all other internal applications within the Business Support Systems team’s jurisdiction.

Escalate and source expertise where necessary.

Participate fully in testing new products, services, new and upgraded applications and technologies before implementation and rollout.

Provision of User Acceptance Test (UAT) environment in conjunction with Business Analyst.

Ensure Systems, Applications and Availability Monitoring.

Documentation and policy implementation and ensure ease of accessibility of documentation.

Document updates every 6 months and version control documents.
Qualifications For Support Analyst Jobs In Kenya

University Degree in Computer Science or related field.

Microsoft certification: MCSE, MCDBA.

UNIX certification is an added advantage.

Oracle DBA training is an added advantage.

2-3 years experience in a client server environment.

2 years DBA and/or Application Support experience.

Programming skills in any 4GL or a functional programming language e.g. SQL.

Highly developed analytical thinking skills.

Ability to role-model and manage customers and fellow team members.

How To Apply
If you feel that you are up to the challenge and possess the necessary qualification and experience, kindly proceed to update your candidate profile on the recruitment portal and then Click on the apply button. Remember to attach your resume.

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Norda Industries Ltd:

Vacancy Re-Advertisement: Boiler Operator


  • Ensuring steady steam supply to the processing plant.

  • Taking hourly reading of all necessary boiler parameters and maintaining all components parts.

  • Ensuring fuel of good quality is supplied to the boiler.

  • Observing boiler and auxiliary units to detect malfunctions and making repairs.

  • Testing and treating boiler feed water using specified chemicals.

  • Observing pressure, temperature and draft meters on panel to verify good operation.

  • Maintaining maximum boiler efficiency by adjusting, reading and interpreting gauges, indicators and steam flow meters.


The position is open till filled

By Selipha Kihagi

If you haven’t been to a job interview, you might underestimate what is expected of you. You also might prepare in all the wrong ways and end up making a fool of yourself in the interview room.

To avoid this, it is always important to seek the advice of a professional coach who will take you through the necessary steps depending on the position applied for as well as company.

“Interview coaching is very important for jobseekers, especially at entry-level because candidates have not been to an interview setting before. It prepares you for what is to come and gives you the confidence you need,” says Melody Mwendwa, an Interview Coach at Corporate Staffing Services.

Why Is Interview Coaching Important?

1. You become more confident
Whether you are new in the job market or you have been to various job interviews before, anxiety is a key determinant to all and it can bring down your confidence.
For this reason, seeking the help of an interview coach will be your solution. They take you through the interview questions to expect and guide you towards providing the best answers.

2. You are able to understand job requirements better
Sometimes even after applying to a job and being called to the interview, you are not clear about the roles required for the job. Some employers are more specific while others scanty, and this might be a challenge when preparing for the interview. You end up rehearsing for the wrong questions. To avoid this, consult a professional and be certain of what is to come.

3. Future Interviews become a walk in the park
Your first interview may be your worst nightmare, especially if you really want the job and are not sure if you’re well prepared. Instead of going for an interview with doubt, it is advisable to engage a professional coach to be sure. It will only take 1 hour of your time, but will be of use to future interviews.

In a job market like Kenya’s, it is important that you are one step ahead of other jobseekers. Give the employer a reason to hire you by knowing what you want and working towards it.

Make friends with recruiting firms and you will not be sorry. All the best in your next interview.

Business Development Officers (General) Nyeri

Salary: (60-80K)

Our client, an insurance company seeks to recruit BDO general insurance to join their aggressive team in servicing customers’ needs.

Key role; generating new business from the Broker sector and meeting production targets by introducing your company’s product range to existing and new clients.

Business Development Job Responsibilities;

Establish and build new relationships with existing and potential producers that have prospective business that meets the companies underwriting criteria

Maintain existing relationships in order to protect existing books of business

Develop an in depth understanding of your company’s products

Co-ordinate any marketing campaigns to prospects

Provide feedback to the underwriting department to ensure quality service and underwriting standards are maintained

Assist brokers with product and business queries

Assist in general department matters when required

Demonstrate business planning skills to achieve visitation & sales targets
Qualifications for Business Development Jobs in Kenya

Knowledge of the Insurance industry and good business producers

At least 2-3 years experience

Relevant degree/diploma

Business development and marketing skills

Excellent interpersonal skills to develop relationships with internal and external stakeholders.

Written and oral communication

Negotiation skills

A driven sales approach that ensures targets are met

Demonstrated commercial acumen and strong understanding of business requirements

Excellent analytical skills

Computer literate i.e. Microsoft Office & Microsoft Excel

If qualified kindly send your application letter and CV to clearly indicating ‘BDO – general insurance Nyeri’ by 2nd June, 2015.Do not attach any certificates.

Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted

Dont Miss any Job Or Article Subscribe to Career Point Kenya by Email FOR FREE CLICK HERE

The Company: Biomax Technologies Pte Ltd is a Singapore-based biotechnology company with a wide global presence.  

With our “Winning Green” philosophy and a strong focus on innovation, we develop cutting-edge technologies that support sustainability in industrial and agricultural sectors.

As we continue our expansion journey, we are looking for more passionate and talented individuals who share similar values and vision to join the Biomax family.

The Role: Business Development Manager (Kenya)

Location: Nairobi

Job Responsibilities:

Job Requirements:

  • At least 5 years of working experience, preferably in similar capacity.

  • Possess excellent account management, interpersonal and relationship-building skills.

  • Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.  Fluency in indigenous languages used in the region is highly desirable.

  • Passion for sustainable development and green technology.

  • Ability to work independently and possess a strong track record of acquiring new clients.

  • Demonstrates leadership qualities, possess highly collaborative, agile, adaptive skills and have a growth mindset.

  • Possess the passion for selling and growing new business with a long term view.

  • Diploma / Degree in Business Administration / Management / Agriculture

How to Apply

Interested applicants, please submit your application to (indicating position) before 9 Jul



Job Description

Position: Legal Officer – Real Estate

Our client in real estate is seeking to recruit a Legal Officer. 

The ideal candidate MUST be a registered advocate with commercial leasing experience & debt collection.


Key Qualifications & Experience Required:

Bachelor’s degree in related course. Masters an added advantage.

3-5 years experience in similar capacity.

Strong administrative & communication skills.

Duty Station: Nairobi.

Anticipated start date: Immediately.

Salary: Competitive. 

How to Apply

Only applications with similar experience shall be contacted. 

Please specify, job title & current/previous salary (gross pay) on subject line. 

Kindly email cover letter & updated resume to:

Use this format please on subject line: Legal Officer, current/previous Gross Pay (XXXXXX insert salary)

Note: Consider unsuccessful if not contacted within 7 days.

Property Coordinator-Real Estate Jobs in Kenya

Our Client in real estate is urgently hiring for the above opening. We are inviting experienced candidates in similar capacity to apply as soon as possible. To be shortlisted you must have supervised site supervisors.

Property Coordinator Job Duties & Responsibilities;


Timely completion of all issues on the site within the set budgets.

Ensure all issues are recorded and updated on the Helpdesk Software.

Monitor scheduled services, e.g. generator, lifts, borehole, fire equipments, etc.

Renewal of Contracts.

Coordinate with outsourced suppliers.

Documentation – Invoices, Job Cards, Fuel Sheets, etc.

Leases – Review of Leases, Terms and Rentals.

Site Visits – Once a week – Report with Helpdesk update.

Site Inspections – Once a quarter

Communication – Response on Emails, Notices, Updates & Follow ups.

Directors/Committee Liaison.

Residents & Tenants.

Service Providers.


Debt Collection

Ownership of debt and customer.

Maximum collection in the first month.

Statutory issues – Yearly

Land Rent & Rates.

Insurance – Review of sum insured.

Licenses & Fire Certificates.

Fire drills & Training.

Audits – Fire Safety, Nema, Energy Audit, Lift Inspection, etc

Measuring Points

Complaints Received.

Delay in completion of issues – Beyond date of completion (LPO & Minutes).

Response time – emails & minutes.

Collection report – % collected in 1st month.

Loss of Site.
Requirements for Property Coordinator Jobs in Kenya

University degree or other post-secondary qualification.

Minimum 3 years’ experience in similar capacity.

Key skills

problem-solving, ability to work unsupervised, communication, diplomacy.

Duty station: Nairobi.
Anticipated start date: Immediately.
Salary: Competitive.

How to apply
Only applications with similar experience shall be contacted. Please specify, job title & current/previous salary (gross pay) on subject line. Kindly email cover letter & updated resume to

Use this format please on subject line: Property Coordinator, current/previous Gross Pay (XXXXXX insert salary)
NOTE: Consider unsuccessful if not contacted within 7 days.

Dont Miss any Job Or Article Subscribe to Career Point Kenya by Email FOR FREE CLICK HERE

The Aga Khan Hospital, Kisumu is an institution of the Aga Khan Health Service, Kenya which is an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network. 

The hospital is part of a network of health facilities which includes Hospitals and Outreach health facilities across East Africa.

The Aga Khan Hospital, Kisumu has attained acknowledgment of its quality by achieving ISO 9001:2008 certification, ISO 15189:2012 accreditation for laboratory services and is moving towards Joint Commission International Accreditation. 

The Aga Khan Hospital, Kisumu has also expanded its services to Kisii, Kakamega, Kitale, Bungoma, Kericho, Busia and Homa Bay Counties. 

The Hospital is seeking qualified candidates for the following position:

Facility & Safety Manager


  • Degree or Higher National Diploma in Bio-Medical Engineering or their equivalent from a recognized institution.

  • Registered and/or eligible for registration with the Association of Medical Engineers of Kenya and/or Engineering Board of Kenya or in their respective country of origin.

  • Over five years working experience, three of which should be in a leadership role in a busy hospital.

  • Prior biomedical engineering/maintenance experience is highly preferred.

  • Experience in a JCIA accredited hospital will be an added advantage.

  • Strong organization, planning and leadership skills.

  • Team player with good interpersonal and customer relations skills.

  • Proficient in use of computers.

Applications including detailed curriculum vitae, names and contacts of three referees, current and expected salary details should be forwarded by 3rd July 2015 to:

Human Resource Manager
Aga Khan Hospital, Kisumu
P.O. Box 530-40100



Job Description

Position: Property Coordinator – Real Estate

Our Client in real estate is urgently hiring for the above opening. 

We are inviting experienced candidates in similar capacity to apply as soon as possible. 

To be shortlisted you must have supervised site supervisors.Duties & Responsibilities

1. Operations.

Timely completion of all issues on the site within the set budgets.

Ensure all issues are recorded and updated on the Helpdesk Software.

Monitor scheduled services, e.g. generator, lifts, borehole, fire equipments, etc.

Renewal of Contracts.

Coordinate with outsourced suppliers.

Documentation – Invoices, Job Cards, Fuel Sheets, etc.

Leases – Review of Leases, Terms and Rentals.


2. Site Visits – Once a week – Report with Helpdesk update.

3. Site Inspections – Once a quarter

4. Communication – Response on Emails, Notices, Updates & Follow ups.

Directors/Committee Liaison.

Residents & Tenants.

Service Providers.


5. Debt Collection

Ownership of debt and customer.

Maximum collection in the first month.

6. Statutory issues – Yearly

Land Rent & Rates.

Insurance – Review of sum insured.

Licenses & Fire Certificates.

Fire drills & Training.

Audits – Fire Safety, Nema, Energy Audit, Lift Inspection, etc

7. Measuring Points

Complaints Received.

Delay in completion of issues – Beyond date of completion (LPO & Minutes).

Response time – emails & minutes.

Collection report – % collected in 1st month.

Loss of Site.


University degree or other post-secondary qualification.

Minimum 3 years’ experience in similar capacity.

Key skills: problem-solving, ability to work unsupervised, communication, diplomacy.

Duty station: Nairobi.

Anticipated start date: Immediately.

Salary: Competitive.

How to Apply

Only applications with similar experience shall be contacted. Please specify, job title & current/previous salary (gross pay) on subject line. 

Kindly email cover letter & updated resume to:

Use this format please on subject line: Property Coordinator, current/previous Gross Pay (XXXXXX insert salary)

NOTE: Consider unsuccessful if not contacted within 7 days.

StoreKeeper Jobs at Railway Training Institute, Kenya

Excellent Career Opportunities

Ref: HRR/ADM 057

Reporting to the Head of Campus and the Procurement Officer.

The Store Man will be responsible for delivery of stock management services, Ensuring appropriate safe custody of stores, Issuing of stores, determination of stock levels of each supply and maintenance of stock statistics.

StoreKeeper Job Duties and Responsibilities:

Delivery of stock management services including:

Ensuring appropriate safe custody of stores.

Issuing of stores.

Determination of stock levels of each supply and maintenance of stock statistics.

Monitoring stock levels and re-ordering when stocks reach re-order levels.

Recommending on disposal of unserviceable stores.

Ensuring that all receipts are issued and recorded.
Minimum Requirements for StoreKeeper Jobs in Kenya

A Diploma in Stores Management or Purchases and Supplies Management or its equivalent from a recognized institution.

A Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education with a minimum of mean grade C+ or its equivalent.
Satisfactorily served as a Stores Assistant in the Institute or a comparable position with similar responsibilities in like organizations for a minimum period of three (3) years.

High degree of integrity and dependability.

Strong written and oral communication skills.

Terms of Offer

An attractive remuneration package commensurate with qualifications and responsibilities of the position will be negotiated with the right candidate.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates MUST complete the Kenya Railways application form (CLICK HERE to download), attach their testimonials and certificates and address their applications MARKED WITH THE JOB REF NO to the:

Railway Training Institute
P.O. Box 42226, 00100,

To be received by 3rd July, 2015

Note: Only the short listed candidates will be contacted.

Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

Dont Miss any Job Or Article Subscribe to Career Point Kenya by Email FOR FREE CLICK HERE

A feed manufacturer is located at Thika is sourcing for the store supervisors for the Finished goods and Raw materials stores

Vacancy: Stores Supervisor – Raw Material

To plan coordinate and make reports on all raw materials stores activities of receiving, warehousing and issuing of stocks.

Key Result Areas

Knowledge, Skills and Experience Required

  • Degree in Warehouse / Logistics management / Business Related Field or

  • Diploma in Store management

  • Minimum two years’ experience in a related field in a busy commercial environment

  • Computer proficiency

  • Possess good supervisory skills

If you meet the above requirements please send your CV to including your current pay. 

Only qualified candidates will be contacted.


Job Description

Business Manager to Work in TanzaniaTradestar Kenya Limited is fast growing outsourcing organization situated in Kenya.

We are looking for an experienced business manager to work on a full time basis in our branch office in Tanzania.  

The preferred person should have;
Education and experience:

A Bachelor’s degree in Business Related  course

Good communication skills in both English and Kiswahili.

With good computer knowledge

With accounting and bookkeeping

With knowledge and experience of working in a business related environment

With knowledge of government regulations including income tax laws

Have Sales knowledge


Other Requirements

Written reporting skills

Very fluent in English

Can work to tight deadlines

Self-motivated and results driven

Residing in Dar es Salaam

Can work from home

Can have access to internet connection

Can manage to run a business with minimum supervision

Salary: Minimum Tz 60,000.00 (Kshs. 30,000)

How to Apply

If you are up to the challenge and posses the necessary qualification and experience please send your CV and application letter indicating your experience to  for interviews tomorrow 23rd June 2015.Important:

Let the resume and application letter hold your name. e.g. Ann Wanjiku_CV or Ann Wanjiku_Application

The two documents must be in pdf format

Only successful candidates will be contacted.

Legal Officer -Real Estate Jobs in Kenya

Our client in real estate is seeking to recruit a Legal Officer. The ideal candidate MUST be a registered advocate with commercial leasing experience & debt collection.

Key Qualifications & Experience required for Legal Officer Jobs in Kenya

Bachelor’s degree in related course. Masters an added advantage.

3-5 years experience in similar capacity.

Strong administrative & communication skills.

Duty station: Nairobi.
Anticipated start date: Immediately.
Salary: Competitive.

How to apply:
Only applications with similar experience shall be contacted. Please specify, job title & current/previous salary (gross pay) on subject line. Kindly email cover letter & updated resume to

Use this format please on subject line: Legal Officer, current/previous Gross Pay (XXXXXX insert salary)
NOTE: Consider unsuccessful if not contacted within 7 days.

Dont Miss any Job Or Article Subscribe to Career Point Kenya by Email FOR FREE CLICK HERE

Position: Legal Officer – Real Estate

Our client in real estate is seeking to recruit a Legal Officer. 

The ideal candidate MUST be a registered advocate with commercial leasing experience & debt collection.

Key Qualifications & Experience Required:

  • Bachelor’s degree in related course. Masters an added advantage.

  • 3-5 years experience in similar capacity.

  • Strong administrative & communication skills.

Duty Station: Nairobi.

Anticipated start date: Immediately.


How to Apply: Only applications with similar experience shall be contacted. 

Please specify, job title & current/previous salary (gross pay) on subject line. 

Kindly email cover letter & updated resume to:

Use this format please on subject line: Legal Officer, current/previous Gross Pay (XXXXXX insert salary)

Note: Consider unsuccessful if not contacted within 7 days.

ACTION AFRICA HELP KENYA (AAH Kenya) is a non-governmental organization that addresses development challenges in partnership with marginalized Kenyan communities mainly living in low income urban and rural settings including arid and semi-arid areas (ASALs). AAH Kenya is an affiliate country programme of Action Africa Help International (AAH-I), which has been operating in the East and Southern Africa region for more than 20 years implementing programmes in South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Somalia and Kenya.

AAH Kenya is currently implementing two projects in Kenya that involve livelihood activities. The main objective of these projects is to ensure that the communities have the opportunity to engage in economic activities and acquire knowledge and skills essential for their development in becoming agents of change in their communities. One of the projects is the Mara economic empowerment project in the Mara region of Narok County.

For the Narok project, the special focus is on Livestock, beads and Micro, Small and Medium enterprises. A baseline study was done to assess the status of beadwork activity done in Mara in the sense of quality, quantity, designs, uniqueness and supply. From the survey, it was noted that the making and sale of beaded products is mostly successful in urban areas. Although Maasai community has done a commendable job in working to preserve its culture, their beaded jewellery and products coming from Mara has little or no place in the urban market currently owing to its low supply, poor quality, and lack of creativity in designs hence hard to meet the need and demand in the market. The Maasai bead market, like crafts is produced hand-made, with products that are culturally rooted, whose distinctive quality is an aesthetic appeal which is judged largely by the eye. Some of them also have functional and useful features like use in wedding functions but only confined to that community and locality.

The presence of middlemen trading on the Maasai products have further heightened the situation causing very minimal returns for the women who are the producers and who spend a lot of time working on the products and sell at low prices. This scenario has caused the livelihoods of rural Maasai women, whose livelihoods solely depend on the sale of their bead products, to be at stake. This trend has raised a need for interventions to a group of women in designs, innovations and linking to a ready market so as to produce quality useful products and reduce middlemen hence maximizing on the profits.


1.1Terms of Reference

AAH-I wishes to involve a designer or design house to create a collective mark of Mara Bead Brand. This will include product development and adaptation on issues like design based on market research findings and prototype making, product costing and pricing (based on market research and production realities), market testing of products, business cycle development (sequencing of processes which become standard operating procedures), product promotion and product launches.

It is not always easy for individual crafts people like bead producers to obtain consumer recognition and customer loyalty. Gaining access to retail stores, local markets and distribution networks and making their work known among consumers requires a significant investment.

It is therefore important for the Producer groups to develop a joint marketing campaign for their products using collective marks which denote the common origin of the product from those individual producers. These can also be used to promote products and help market while providing a framework of cooperation between local producers.

1.2Objectiveof the Assessment

The main objective is to guide the community in designs to deliver creative and innovative ideas in their bead work to meet the client needs in the global markets. Globalization of markets, coupled with the use of internet, has given consumers worldwide unlimited choice. This has increased the challenges faced by producers in successfully producing and marketing their products.

The rapidly changing tastes of consumers, add further constraints for producers and marketers. It is a growing challenge for most businesses to provide newer, better and more attractive products that catch the eye and retain the interest of the consumers. The real challenge is to be more resourceful, creative and innovative than the competitors in all aspects of business, from conceiving new ideas and transforming them into products, to marketing them in an efficient manner and earning a reasonable profit on the investment made.

The specific objectives are:

Under the overall supervision of AAH Kenya Project Support Officer, and Project Officer, the contracted designer will undertake the following tasks:

  1. Taking the community through Producing innovative, quality products meeting the current and rapidly changing customer needs

  2. Creating and supporting a distinctive Mara Bead Brand. This will include product development and adaptation on issues like design based on market research findings and prototype making, product costing and pricing.

  3. Effective marketing to create a demand for a product, this will include getting a strategy which must be based on sound and continuous bead market research so that the needs of the bead consumers are fully understood.

  4. Working to set an intellectual property right process to provide a legal framework of ethical conduct to enable orderly using and sharing of knowledge resulting from human ingenuity, creativity and inventiveness through legal controls.

  5. Working with the Mara women in all the essential elements and like accessing raw materials, financial capital, good distribution networks, appropriate production networks and technology to give bead products business competitive advantage and higher profits.

  6. Market linkage programs to correctly match the needs of the consumers to products on offer. This will involve getting functional products with innovations.


The consultant(s) is expected to adopt consultative approach involving the AAH Kenya team and community members during the design, development and marketing of the bead products shall be agreed upon together with AAH Kenya.


Based on this TOR, the Consultants shall:-

  1. A write-up showing a clear framework on how to implement this community beadwork program step by step from training, development, and marketing.

  2. Innovative and unique product samples which can act as the sample to other women groups and its target markets

  3. Give well organized working and sustainability plan.


The assignment is expected to take a maximum of 21 days effective from 6th July 2015, and final submission of the report to AAH Kenya not later than 3rd August 2015.

5.0Qualification and Experience

  • A Secondary Education or Design related discipline.

  • At least 3 years of professional experience in drawing designing and marketing bead products which promotes livelihood development

  • Previous Business Development experience in beadwork and other art related products.

  • Experience in online marketing targeting international markets and with good taste and sense of aesthetics

  • Good working relationship with women especially those from a rural set up

  • Proven ability to accomplish freelance/consultancy projects on time as confirmed by references.

  • Proficiency in oral and written English and Kiswahili is required.


The interested candidates are requested to submit:

  1. Application letter;

  2. Curriculum Vitae;

  3. Samples of previous work and their marketing destination

  4. Financial proposal showing the cost of involving the consultant per day.

8.0Evaluation and Award of Consultancy

AAH Kenya will evaluate the offers and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. AAH Kenya reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.


Job Description

A medium sized law firm in Nairobi is seeking a dynamic, well-qualified and highly motivated individual to fill the position of Court Clerk.

Role Purpose: The purpose of the role is to manage all of the administrative and clerical functions related to running a court. 


These includes managing court records, trials and customer service. 


The role is responsible for preparing, filing and forwarding documents and case files to court, lawyers and clients.

Duties and Responsibilities


Managing court records 

Processing legal documents, scheduling court cases, and auditing files to ensure accuracy and consistency within the court records. 

Preparing, filing and forwarding documents and case files to court, lawyers and clients. 



Assemble the documents and materials that are required for court proceedings to take place

Identifying and requesting material that is missing from the files

Reviewing all of the documents that are submitted to the court to ensure the described procedures are accurate 

Record minutes of the proceedings and transcribe them

Administer the oath taken by the jurors and witnesses when required to

Prepare and maintain the docket of scheduled cases as well as record witness testimonies, results, court orders and any fines from the court when court is completed

Customer Service 

Notifying participants of trial details 

Handle the arrangement and recordation of payments for fees, fines and court costs

Minimum requirements

Diploma in Law

Certificate in Computer packages and ability to use Word Processor and Excel

3 years’ experience in a busy and reputable law firm as a court clerk

How to Apply

Please send your application to to reach us by close of business 25th June 2015. 

Only qualified candidates shall be contacted.

Business Development Officers (General) Kisumu (60-80K)

Our client, an insurance company seeks to recruit BDO general insurance to join their aggressive team in servicing customers’ needs.

Key role; generating new business from the Broker sector and meeting production targets by introducing your company’s product range to existing and new clients.

Business Development Officer Job Responsibilities

Establish and build new relationships with existing and potential producers that have prospective business that meets the companies underwriting criteria

Maintain existing relationships in order to protect existing books of business

Develop an in depth understanding of your company’s products

Co-ordinate any marketing campaigns to prospects

Provide feedback to the underwriting department to ensure quality service and underwriting standards are maintained

Assist brokers with product and business queries

Assist in general department matters when required

Demonstrate business planning skills to achieve visitation & sales targets
Qualifications For Business Development Officer Jobs In Kenya

Knowledge of the Insurance industry and good business producers

At least 2-3 years experience

Relevant degree/diploma

Business development and marketing skills

Excellent interpersonal skills to develop relationships with internal and external stakeholders.

Written and oral communication

Negotiation skills

A driven sales approach that ensures targets are met

Demonstrated commercial acumen and strong understanding of business requirements

Excellent analytical skills

Computer literate i.e. Microsoft Office & Microsoft Excel

How To Apply
If qualified kindly send your application letter and CV to clearly indicating ‘BDO – general insurance Kisumu’ by 2nd June, 2015.Do not attach any certificates.

Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted

Dont Miss any Job Or Article Subscribe to Career Point Kenya by Email FOR FREE CLICK HERE

Position: Property Coordinator – Real Estate

Our Client in real estate is urgently hiring for the above opening. 

We are inviting experienced candidates in similar capacity to apply as soon as possible. 

To be shortlisted you must have supervised site supervisors.

Duties & Responsibilities

1. Operations.

  • Timely completion of all issues on the site within the set budgets.

  • Ensure all issues are recorded and updated on the Helpdesk Software.

  • Monitor scheduled services, e.g. generator, lifts, borehole, fire equipments, etc.

  • Renewal of Contracts.

  • Coordinate with outsourced suppliers.

  • Documentation – Invoices, Job Cards, Fuel Sheets, etc.

  • Leases – Review of Leases, Terms and Rentals.


2. Site Visits – Once a week – Report with Helpdesk update.

3. Site Inspections – Once a quarter

4. Communication – Response on Emails, Notices, Updates & Follow ups.

  • Directors/Committee Liaison.

  • Residents & Tenants.

  • Service Providers.

  • Meetings.

5. Debt Collection

  • Ownership of debt and customer.

  • Maximum collection in the first month.

6. Statutory issues – Yearly

  • Land Rent & Rates.

  • Insurance – Review of sum insured.

  • Licenses & Fire Certificates.

  • Fire drills & Training.

  • Audits – Fire Safety, Nema, Energy Audit, Lift Inspection, etc

7. Measuring Points

  • Complaints Received.

  • Delay in completion of issues – Beyond date of completion (LPO & Minutes).

  • Response time – emails & minutes.

  • Collection report – % collected in 1st month.

  • Loss of Site.


  • University degree or other post-secondary qualification.

  • Minimum 3 years’ experience in similar capacity.

  • Key skills: problem-solving, ability to work unsupervised, communication, diplomacy.

Duty station: Nairobi.

Anticipated start date: Immediately.

Salary: Competitive.

How to apply:
Only applications with similar experience shall be contacted. Please specify, job title & current/previous salary (gross pay) on subject line. 

Kindly email cover letter & updated resume to:

Use this format please on subject line: Property Coordinator, current/previous Gross Pay (XXXXXX insert salary)

NOTE: Consider unsuccessful if not contacted within 7 days.


Job Description

A medium sized law firm in Nairobi is seeking a dynamic, well-qualified and highly motivated individual to fill the position of Conveyance Clerk.

Role Purpose: The purpose of the role is to prepare the documentation required for the purchase and sale of real estate and attend to property settlements. 

Conveyancers must have a sound knowledge of land law, land division, surveying, property development, property management, strata administration, insurance, taxation, business analysis, investment and contracts.

Duties and Responsibilities

Preparing and handling a range of conveyancing work; sub sale, loan documentations, developer’s cases from initial till final stage

Attending and updating client correspondences

Prepare status report on work and conveyancing matters

Prepare and advise on contracts for the sale of real estate

Conduct title searches and make enquiries with various government departments, local councils and water authorities

Prepare and advise on mortgage documentation

Attend to exchange-of-contracts and settlement procedures

Prepare and advise on lease documentation.

Minimum Requirements

Diploma in Law

Certificate in Computer packages and ability to use Word Processor and Excel

3 years’ experience in a busy and reputable law firm in conveyancing

How to Apply

Please send your application to to reach us by close of business 25th June 2015. 

Only qualified candidates shall be contacted.

Posted by:


Company: Reputable Company

State: Nairobi

Location: Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

Job type: Full-Time


Job category: Legal Jobs in Kenya

Tags: No Tags

Job expires in: Endless

A feed manufacturer is located at Thika is sourcing for the store supervisors for the Finished goods and Raw materials stores

Store Supervisor –  Finished Goods

The Store Supervisor will be responsible of maintaining good warehouse and excellent stock management practices to ensure effective inventory control and availability of saleable stock.

Key Result Areas

Knowledge, Skills and Experience Required

  • Degree in Warehouse/Logistics management/ Business Related Field or

  • Diploma in Store management

  • Minimum two years’ experience in a related field in a busy commercial environment

  • Computer proficiency

  • Possess good supervisory skills

If you meet the above requirements please send your CV to including your current pay. 

Only qualified candidates will be contacted.


Job Description

Vacancy: Accountant


Role Purpose: The purpose of this role is to ensure the Firm meets its statutory obligations as expected, financial reports are produced and submitted and payments to suppliers are made. 

This will entail ensuring the Firm maintains a strong internal control environment and strictly follows pre-established accounting procedures.

Duties and Responsibilities

Ensure compliance with all statutory requirements.

Prepare monthly payroll for staff.

Prepare vouchers cheques and journal entries.

Ensure prompt payment to suppliers.

Maintain on going banking relations.

Reconcile all cash and cheque deposits.

Review and process petty cash re-imbursement requests.

In collaboration with the Advocates, prepare and submit all monthly quarterly and annual accounting and financial reports.

Maintain an appropriately structured and up-to-date filing systems for all accounting and related functions.

As requested, prepare various financial reports within the financial software package.

Minimum Requirements

B.Com Degree in Accounting.

Professional training in Accounting (CPA II).

3 years accounting experience.

Proficiency in spread sheets programmes, word processing and accounting software.

Comprehensive working knowledge of all relevant accounting and local tax regulations.

How to Apply

Please send your application to to reach us by close of business 25th June 2015. 

Only qualified candidates shall be contacted.

By Sera Kazungu

There comes a time when your job is no longer appealing to you either because the salary is not enough, or the schedule is just too crazy for you. Whatever your reason, job searching while you are still employed is acceptable.

According to Dawn Rosenberg, a career planning expert at , It is better to conduct a job search while you are still working because it makes you more marketable than when you are unemployed.

Are you at that point in your career where you feel like you should change jobs? What is the right and wrong way to do it?

The following are tips on how to actively job search while you are still employed

How To Job search While Still Employed

1.Do not tell anyone
If you want to keep your job, it is wise to keep your job search a secret. Some companies have a policy to fire employees who are actively job seeking. Do not compromise the job that you have on another that is still uncertain.

2. Do not use company resources to job search
Being ambitious is one thing, but using company resources is outright reckless. You may want to save on the money to go to a cyber cafe, but honestly, stop being cheap.

Job search on your own time away from the office and using your own resources. Be a smart job seeker.
While networking on social sites like LinkedIn, it is advisable to use your personal contact details. Emails or phone calls made to the company are more likely to sell you out and may cost you your job.

READ ALSO >>> 5 Reasons Not To Apply For That Job

3. Schedule interviews wisely
Whether you say you are going to a doctor’s appointment or a meeting with a client, scheduling and attending an interview should be done wisely. A lot of caution should be used to ensure that the real purpose of your absence is not discovered. This could cost you your current job.
If you are used to dressing casually to work and then suddenly show up in a suit, chances are that you will raise suspicion. Dress normally to work and make use of public washrooms to change for the interview.

4.Keep your work and job search separate.
Job searching is tedious and requires a lot of time. Do not let your work be affected by using company time to work on applications. This could render your work wanting and could bring unnecessary attention towards you.
Perform your daily job responsibilities and when you leave , you can start on the job search. The two cannot be done hand in hand.

All the best as you set out on your new job search.

Dont Miss any Job Or Article Subscribe to Career Point Kenya by Email FOR FREE CLICK HERE