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Jun 21, 2015

7 Ways To Deal With Professional Rejection

Source: The Huffing post

You have probably encountered rejection either in your career journey or life. If you haven’t, don’t think yourself lucky, it will soon catch up with you. It could be a project proposal that you really spent time on but it is still lacking, or the constant rejection of your ideas in the boardroom.

So, will you allow rejection to bring you down in your workplace or will you make the effort to get past it and have a happy career?

If you choose to fight rejection for future acceptance, here are ways to handle rejection in the workplace.

7 Ways To Handle Professional Rejection

1. Allow yourself time to let go
Rejection hurts and the more we have emotionally invested, the more painful it is to accept. Process through your letdown, and then dust yourself off and figure out what’s next on your to-do list.

2. Understand that rejection is inevitable
There is nothing you can do to insulate yourself from the possibility of rejection. Don’t accept a single “no” as a commentary on your worth.

While someone else’s dismissal may have temporarily shut down your plans, make a mental list of all the good things you have going on professionally. Two of the most important attributes you can possess are desire and tenacity.

3. Ask for clarification
There will be times you will be turned down due to factors beyond your control. Layoffs or downsizing may have contributed to your project being tabled.

Or, there could be something you need to take a look at that has influenced another person’s evaluation of you. Ask them to give you their candid feedback as to what specific detail impacted their decision.

4. Identify the issue
If you didn’t get the promotion you were anticipating, in the spirit of education, ask your supervisor why you were passed over.

Inquire as to what you can do next time around to improve your chances for consideration. You now have a goal and a guideline to future success.

5. Share information sparingly
If you post your excitement about a recognition on social media, be prepared to share a disappointment in the same forum. Entrust your aspirations only to people with whom you feel comfortable sharing both the good and the bad news. Make a public announcement only after the decision is final.

6. Keep your emotions in check

You may be discouraged, even heartbroken, about a lost opportunity, but staying focused and at your best is critical.

Sulking and hiding at your desk is not going to change a thing, except your colleagues’ perception of you. Keep your chin up, shoulders back and stay actively engaged with your boss and coworkers.

7. A rejection is often a blessing in disguise
Look at a “no” as an opening to revisit an idea or that project. Sometimes it’s as simple as making your objective clearer, working on your presentation skills or seeking out a different audience.

There is value in being turned down when you keep your ego in check and use the redirection as a learning tool.

How happy you are at your job solely depends on you as an individual, blaming your sulkiness on the constant rejection or bad boss will not change your situation.

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