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Jun 22, 2015



VSF Germany has been awarded a 36 months project spanning from the 1st October 2014- September 30th, 2017. This funding is from the European Union’s (EU) under the kitty strengthening the Horn of Africa’s Resilience Programme (SHARE Kenya).


The title of the project is Community Action for Improved Drought Response and Resilience(CAIDRR) which covers Marsabit Central and Laisamis Sub-counties respectively. The overall objective of the programme is ‘to contribute towards improving food security in ASAL livelihoods through enhanced response and resilience to drought’. The action will be implemented through a consortium of three NGOs namely: Community Initiatives Facilitation and Assistance-CIFA; Water Right Foundation-WRF and VSF Germany – being the lead agency.

The overall coordination of the project at the county level will be conducted by National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) Marsabit, with technical guidance of NDMA HQ in Nairobi. Additionally, the project will collaborate closely with the County Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries development (MoALFD), the Ministry of Water and Natural Resources among other partners to ensure the success and attainment of its objectives.


Result 1: Capacities and systems for local preparedness, response to asset protection, and management actions are improved.

Result 2: Access to services and management of livelihood resources and assets are improved.

VSF Germany is therefore looking for a consultant to be based at the Marsabit office with frequent travel to project activity locations. The consultant will work closely with project officers while providing technical input to specific activities under Result 1 and Result 2 and frequently report progress to the Project Manager.


Support to Holistic / Ecosystem Management (Natural Resource Management process)

1.Baseline survey:

Conduct community awareness and a KAP survey in 6 locations. Identify and document traditional ecosystem management practices, establish indicators in us for measuring ecosystem health, and to identify the main challenges in community resources management systems. The survey is to be conducted through meetings and 3 workshops in each of the three locations; Mt. Kulal, Loiyangalani and Ol-turot.


a. KAP survey tools and report

b. Detailed report on traditional rangeland management systems and challenges.

c. Established channels for learning, mobilization and dissemination teams.

d. Reports of community awareness meetings in each site.

e. Solution trees for resource use challenges.

2.Natural Resource use mapping:

2.1 Conduct workshops with 6 communities to explore land and water issue systems, problem analysis, ecosystem processes, and tools used by communities for managing rangeland resources. Introduce principles of holistic management into, community grazing plans and core teams for initiating resource use practices


f. Rangeland resource use/status reports

g. Maps showing rangeland resources and use patterns

h. Defined/Documented ways of incorporating HRM into grazing plans.

i. ONE community-led strategy for implementing HNRM practices; YEAR 2/3;

j. 6 community core teams for implementation of HNRM practices.

2.2 Train management level staff on Holistic Resource Management (incl. KARI, GoK, Partners,)

2.3 Train on Rangeland management/Holistic management approach, KWS policies, Participatory M & E and NRM Governance for DRR, (WUAs, EMCs’, CMDC, Peace, LMA) committees. One training session of 5 days in each of the 3 locations for 30 participants.

2.4 Support setting of principles for joint planning, goal setting, options analysis, prioritization and baseline monitoring in HNRM.

2.5 Support choice of area(s) for piloting the HNRM practices by participants


k. Develop a HNRM community training manual/guide,

l. Training Reports,

m. Action plans for implementing learning by participants.

n. Two HNRM piloting site

3.Train 12 Field Resource Team (Community resource persons, GoK staff and implementing partners) from the six locations (2 per location)

Identify with each community 2 persons to train as trainers and facilitators for improved land management and implementation of community action plans for HNRM in their communities. The trainings will involve on-site and combined off-site mentoring sessions during Year 2/3 of the project, with trainers then providing on-site mentoring to community resource teams.


a. 12 community resource teams in target communities;

b. Grazing management teams established

c. 3 pilot sites and 1 control site in each of the 3 locations; in Ol-turot, Mt. Kulal and Larachi

d. Animals to be tried on pilot sites and participants to monitor land status agreed.

e. GPS maps of the pilot sites and control documented

f. Training manual/guide for the community resource persons;

g. Training reports;

h. Priority Action plans for Year 2 & 3 for the resource teams;

i. Mentoring/follow up reports and schedules for mentorship visits by the consultant.

4.Follow up and technical backstopping visits (Mentoring & Monitoring)

a. The consultant will provide technical support to the field resource teams and communities for a period of 1-2 years of the project.

b. Field resource teams will be tasked to facilitate implementation of action plans to pilot HNRM practices by their communities between the different training sessions/modules. This will provide them opportunity to guide their respective communities and them to have training on the job and acquire experiences.

c. The consultant and management staff will facilitate the resource teams and communities to develop: Holistic Grazing Plans (HPG); Resource sharing plans, Resource use rules and regulations, Develop and sign reciprocal grazing agreements. Mentor community resource teams in their home sites, on practical grazing planning, implementation of the grazing plans, animal impact management and learning analysis


a. 1 Holistic Grazing plans with clear Rotation periods and sequencing; Resource use rules and regulations for all the sites

b. 3 Reciprocal grazing agreements between neighbouring communities (developed and signed);

c. 12 competent and active resource teams;

d. Mentoring reports;

e. Reports of Animal impact management.

A.Method of Work

The consultant will work closely with the VSF Germany field teams and directly answerable to the Project Manager. The work will be done in an intermittent manner spread over 2 years of the project and the consultant will guarantee his/her availability over the entire period as agreed in the contract.

VSF Germany will support the process in identifying target communities to be involved in the HNRM initiatives, key stakeholders and implementing partners as well as mobilizing target participants for the scheduled meetings and training workshops conducted by the consultants. This will be based on the work plan developed by the consultant in consultation with VSFG teams.

Implementation process

a. The process will utilize a Community Action Cycle (CAC) for engaging and working together with communities. The emphasis on the CAC is to transfer skills and build capacity of communities for self review, planning, implementation and evaluation of their natural resource management practices.

b. The first summary report of Baseline survey, Natural Resource use mapping , 12 teams of community resource persons’ will be presented by end of first quarter of the assignment. Training of community resource persons, manuals, and defined plan of action for technical backstopping presented in second quarter on the work.

c. A draft of documentation of lessons learnt and best practices completed and presented to VSFG for comments in the last month of the consultancy work .The final version of the two above mentioned documents, after approval by VSFG, will be submitted latest one month after completion of Field work by the consultant. Reports shall be in form of hard copies (3) and soft copies (3) submitted to project Manager.

d. Each phase summarizes: number of days, consultant facilitator team size, planned month of the activity, number trips to be made by the consultant to the field/sites, expected number of sites for the activity and associated deliverables. The process is outlined for 2016 and will continue into 2017 being made as the final part of the process for the calendar year.

B.Qualifications, Skills and experience

a. At least 5 years of experience of implementing disaster risk reduction initiatives, Holistic Natural Resource Management, community disaster preparedness and resilience action, and trainings with emphasis on use of participatory approaches in the Horn of Africa.

b. At least a Natural Resource Management, Rangelands Management, Environmental Science, Disaster Management, or Social science, Development studies with proven work experience in natural resource management.

c. Good knowledge and experience in community resource use contingency and development planning.

d. Excellent analytical, presentation and writing skills.

e. Experience in qualitative data gathering and analysis.

f. Knowledge and experience of working with pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities.

g. Past work experience in Marsabit County is highly desired.

h. Team player and commitment to deliver on planned actions.

i. Self organization, proactive and advanced time management skills

E. Working environment:

a. Marsabit county

b. Travel required to activity Locations: 90% field based except for preparatory work by the consultant

F. Time schedule: July 2015 – August 2017

This is a long time engagement and consultant will providing technical backstopping over a period of time to build capacity of communities and resource teams in holistic natural resource management. The work will span over 2 years with a lot of training and mentoring sessions in the field. However, any adjustments should ensure that the work is completed within the stipulated period of time as provided for in the ToR and signed contract with specified work schedules.

G. Assistance to the consultant by the contracting authority.

VSF Germany will make available the following information and facilities to the Consultant:

a. Share any relevant reports, documents, maps, existing designs and data at her disposal;

b. Allow use of office space in Marsabit town as necessary and/or other office within the working area;

c. Arrange for various meetings in the field with stakeholders (Consultant to make advance request);

d. Provide staff to introduce and link the consultant to target communities and assist in community liaison and translation.

e. Provide transport to and from the sites in the field.

f. Provide accommodation and meals to the consultant while providing technical assistance to the project. Accommodation and meals will be provided at the VSF Germany base in Marsabit.

H. Payment for the Work Done.

a. Consultancy fee shall be paid on a monthly basis and once specific target deliverables set per month are achieved by the consultant.

b. Payment will be based on actual time spent by the consultant at the project site, verified by the daily attendance sheet as recorded by VSF Germany Project Manager in charge.

c. Consultant shall be required to provide original invoice and a report of each completed activity to facilitate payment. The report MUST be approved by VSFG technical team before payment is made.

I.What the consultant will provide:

a. Own staff to assist in the works.

b. If accommodated within VSF-G compound he/she will adhere to laid down rules and regulations.

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