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Feb 5, 2016

Kenya: Consultant to refine the concept on the nexus between livelihoods and peacebuilding

Organization: American Friends Service Committee

Country: Kenya

Closing date: 10 Feb 2016

American friends Service Committee

Terms of Reference (TORs) for a Consultant to refine the concept on the nexus between livelihoods and peacebuilding, case study of the AFSC Africa Program.

(Duration: 2 months)

  1. Background

    The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that promotes lasting peace with justice as a practical expression of faith in action. Drawing on continuing spiritual in-sights and working with people of many backgrounds, we nurture the seeds of change and respect for human life that transform social relations and systems.

    Our work in Africa began in the late 1950s and ’60s, when we provided relief services and skills training to Algerian refugees in Morocco and Tunisia during the Algerian struggle for independence from France.

    Today our work in Burundi, Kenya, Somalia, and Zimbabwe promotes lasting peace and reconciliation by helping youth, women, and men heal from the trauma of violence, develop marketable skills, and bring divided communities together.

    Our Dialogue and Exchange Program (DEP) extends the impact of this work to an additional 20 to 25 countries. DEPs bring together grassroots, civil society, and government leaders so they can learn, exchange ideas, and collectively solve problems. In addition, our Washington, D.C.-based Public Education and Advocacy Program works in the United States to educate key decision makers about Africa and engages African diaspora communities to influence U.S. policy on Africa.

  2. Goal and Objectives:

    The overall goal of this assignment is to refine and strengthen the paper as developed by the Africa region on defining the nexus between livelihoods and peacebuilding using global examples and research findings of other international organizations working in the same field.

    To this end, an experienced external consultant is sought to facilitate this process.

  3. Specific Terms of Reference for the Consultant

    • The consultant shall be required to read through the AFSC Africa Program Paper and test the findings of the paper on the nexus between livelihoods and peacebuilding as presented against regional/global research findings in the same field.

    • Relate the definitions and approaches of livelihoods and peacebuilding to definitions by agencies working in the livelihoods and peacebuilding fields.

    • Research on the work of other international agencies to strengthen the theoretical framework of peacebuilding and livelihood work.

    • Test the approach used by AFSC against other approaches being used in the development sector.

    • Draw out the synergies among AFSC’s 4 Africa programs in the application of this approach.

    • Review the model as presented in the AFSC regional paper and suggest areas for re-designing and strengthening to show the link between this approach and AFSC’s Shared Security framework.

    • Document any key divergences of this approach showing the differences and their impact.

    • Demonstrate the link between this approach and sustainable peace.

    • Propose possible target funding partners and other key audiences to whom this model can be promoted as dependable approach to durable peace in most African Countries.

  4. Methodology and Approach

    This assignment is exploring several key questions that will be explored through all activities:

    Many organizations promote livelihoods (through skills development, innovation or business incubator funds, micro-credit programs, etc.) with the explicit intention that such efforts will contribute to sustainable peace. Lying behind these efforts are several assumptions or theories of change that will be further clarified and tested through this consultancy:

     People, who lack a reliable source of income/employment, especially youth, are likely to build resentment and become vulnerable to being recruited into violence or armed groups.

     Productive work is a fundamental source of dignity and a sense of self-worth. When personal dignity is undermined, anger and a sense of grievance builds, and the unemployed descend either into despair or, over time, band together with others to take action for redress. Such actions can lead to violence. In a post-war context, this can pose a threat to a fragile peace.

     Livelihood programs are also based on the premise that economic recovery and low unemployment rates are integral elements of sustainable peace.

    Four methods will be used in this exercise; Desktop literature review, selected key informant interviews, focus group discussions and field visits to project sites.

    The following activities are proposed:

    a. Do a desktop analysis and literature review of the 4 AFSC Africa programs. The consultants shall review online regional program reports from the different Africa country offices and synthesize the information to explain the livelihoods and peacebuilding approaches in implementing the AFSC Africa projects, in particular to identify the theories of change behind the programs.

    b. Conduct virtual focus group discussion meetings with program staff and country directors from Kenya, Somalia

    c. Conduct field visits to Burundi, Kenya and Zimbabwe to gain first hand insight into the AFSC programs as well as interface with AFSC project beneficiaries and key stakeholders’ (e.g. peace organizations in each country to test this programming approach.

    d. The consultants may where necessary interview other global stakeholders such as:

    • International Non-Governmental Organizations such as World Vision, Mercy Corps, Friends United Meeting

    • International intergovernmental organizations, such as ILO, FAO, World bank, ADB, UNDP, UN Peacebuilding Fund/Commission, IGAD

    • Donor Agencies (USAID, EU, Misereor, Bread for the Word, DFID, Swedish, AusAid, Danish) embassies)

    • National and local organizations including faith-based organizations like National Council of Churches, Muslim Supreme Council, women organizations, and youth organizations national governments (e.g., line ministries and peace commissions and economic empowerment bodies). In Burundi meet the Peace and Reconciliation Commission.

    • Research institutions such as Hekima Peace Institute in Kenya, PeaceNet in Kenya, Global Communities in Kenya, The Women’s’ Resource Center Network in Zimbabwe, the British Council, Somalia NGO consortium etc.

    • AFSC International Programs staff in Africa (Programs group 3 staff per country).

    • Any other stakeholders as necessary.

    All in the entire consultant will interview at least 60 participants, either virtually or physically one on one and also through focus group discussions.

    e. Fine tune of the paper on the nexus between livelihoods and peacebuilding which is appended to this TOR.

    f. Review and feedback on the input.

    g. Submit final Paper to augment the AFSC Africa Program analysis on nexus between Peace and livelihoods.

  5. Scope of the work

    Geographic scope: The consultant shall review the paper as presented focusing on the model used in the promotion of livelihoods and peacebuilding. The assignment shall review the approach used, the logic of the arguments raised, the validity of the findings based on program examples cited, and effectiveness of the approach in building social and community cohesion and as well relevance of the approach in post conflict settings, and in this way test the theory of change that lies behind the approach. The consultant should test the rationale given against research findings of other INGOs and NGOs in the development sector to find the applicability of the approach as a pragmatic peacebuilding strategy. The AFSC regional strategy document and the AFSC Shared Security framework will also form part of the resources for reviewing the paper. Deliverables: The deliverables of this assignment are:

    o After desk review, the consultant will submit a plan for interviews and list of people to contact for review and feedback. The Africa Leadership Team will provide contact persons from each country on all countries of interviewees.

    o A debrief with the AFSC Regional Management Team prior to drafting the position paper to discuss preliminary findings and recommendations;

    o Development of a theory of change to support the findings

    o A reviewed and strengthened position paper on the nexus between livelihoods and peacebuilding for the Africa program;

  6. Timeframe

    Type of Activity No. of Days

    Desktop analysis and review of paper/ regional strategy/shared security framework and Africa program documents 5

    Virtual interviews with program staff, country representations, International program staff and other key stakeholders 18

    Field visits to Burundi, Kenya and Zimbabwe 10

    Writing & submission of the first draft report 5

    Development of a theory of change to support the findings 3

    Review of comments, adjustments and finalization of paper


    A debrief with the AFSC Regional Management Team prior to drafting the position paper to discuss preliminary finding and recommendations 1

    A debrief with the IP to discuss findings and recommendations 1

    Review and Final Submission 4

    Total days 52

Note: Owing to distances and need for travels to countries of the region, the assignment will take 2 months.

The Africa Regional Director and Associate Regional Director shall oversee the work and shall be responsible for ensuring the delivery of quality outputs within an agreed timeframe while the 4 Africa Country Representatives will provide necessary support throughout the process. The Regional Finance Manager shall be responsible for the drafting of the contract and payment based on the contract terms.

  1. The Paper

    The proposed paper to be submitted shall be no more than 30 pages. Additional information may be included in annexes (case studies, stories of change, organizational documents etc.)

    The final document shall be in English and officially edited and shall be submitted to the AFSC Africa Regional Director no later than 5 days after the final date of submission. The o deliverables must agree with this TERMS OF REFERENCE.

  2. Content and Audience of the Paper:

The paper shall draw out examples of best practices using experiences from the 4 AFSC Africa Country Programs.

The paper shall clearly demonstrate the 3 pillar approach model to programming (Livelihoods Restoration, Policy Influencing and Building Local Capacities for Peacebuilding).

The paper shall target the readership of development practitioners and NGOs, INGOs, research institutions, the AFSC leadership and governing board and government departments in countries where AFSC is running Programs with hindsight to promote the approach to Governments.

The paper shall include empirical evidence drawn out of program examples in Africa

The paper shall be iterative and may be updated on a 3 year cycle based on lessons learned.

  1. Essential Requirements

    Qualifications, experience and competences

    • Program-social scientist with knowledge of the Project Management Cycle and extensive experience in peacebuilding work

    • Strong communication skills, with excellent written and spoken English

    • Confident and proficient in the use of Micro Soft Office

    • Experience of establishing strong working relationships with colleagues from different functions and backgrounds

    • Experience of a flexible approach to managing and prioritizing a high workload and multiple tasks in a fast paced environment with tight deadlines

    • Experience of proactively identifying and addressing programming issues and able to link them to a global advocacy agenda.

    • Experience working on similar assignments at an international level

    • Strong background in research and publication of research findings

    Applicants should provide:

    • A technical proposal with a an elaborate methodology, sample size; clear work plan on how the study will be conducted; including the tools to be used in the study and proposed time schedules

    • An itemized budget for consultancy fees and administrative costs.

    • Curriculum vitae for the consultants and proposed team members

    • List of related work undertaken in the recent past including full names, email address, telephone and physical address of the clients

How to apply:

Submission of Bids

The Expression of Interest and accompanying documents must be received by COB on 10th February 2016, either delivered in hard or soft copies to the address below:

The Regional Director

American Friends service Committee

Whitefield Place, Unit B3, 2nd floor

School Lane, Westlands

P.O Box 66448 – 00800

Nairobi, Kenya


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