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Nov 11, 2011

HelpAge International End of Project Evaluation Call for Consultants

Call for consultants

Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) and proposal to undertake End of Project Evaluation

EU Ref. NO: DCI-NSA PVD/2008/170-046

HelpAge Ref. No: UGA034

Consultancy Coordination: Nairobi, Kenya

1.0 Background

HelpAge International is a global network striving for the rights of disadvantaged older people to economic and physical security; healthcare and social services; and support in their care-giving role across the generations. In Africa, HelpAge has a network of more than 20 partner organizations. Our vision is of a world in which all older people fulfil their potential to lead dignified, active, healthy and secure lives.

HelpAge International is looking for an external evaluator to submit an expression of interest, interpreting the Terms of Reference with a proposal outlining methodology, timeframe, composition of team and fee for undertaking the End of Project Evaluation for a three year European Union funded project entitled: Improving Delivery of Local Government Services to Vulnerable Older People in Rwenzori Region, Uganda.

This project is being implemented in Rwenzori region, in the districts of Kasese and Bundibugyo by HelpAge’s affiliate Uganda Reach the Aged Association (URAA) in partnership with two community based organisations: Kasese Community Aged Foundation (CAFO) in Kasese district; and Bundibugyo Foundation for the Aged Sustainable Income Generating Association (BUSFASIGA) in Bundibugyo district.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development in the two districts of Kasese and Bundibugyo of the Rwenzori region of Uganda through efficient and effective service provision to the population including marginalised older people. The specific objective is to empower community members, including vulnerable and marginalised older people, to influence the provision of services through their participation in the planning, implementation and monitoring of development activities.

The aim of this action is to strengthen community and civil society capacity to influence service delivery by the local authorities through their participation in the planning, implementation and monitoring of development initiatives. It seeks to support the creation of mechanisms that result in efficiency and accountability through a participatory community and civil society monitoring role of public resources.

In order to achieve this, the project will enhance the understanding of community members on their roles and responsibilities in governance structures as well as their knowledge of the various services available to them and the mechanisms for their delivery.

Further, community involvement in planning and decision-making will lead to a more demand driven service delivery that is more responsive to their needs.

Expected results of the project included:

Improved access to efficient and effective services responsive to the needs of older persons in the two districts.Older persons in the two districts increasingly included in local development processes.Effective dialogue between civil society and local authorities to promote equitable access to services by vulnerable groups.2.0 The purpose and justification of the evaluation

The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the effects of the project on the target population and the project’s contribution to policies, strategies, programmes and structure in improving accountability and access to services by older people and other vulnerable groups.

Additionally the evaluation will analyse the project’s contribution towards the set objectives in relation to the changing political, economic, and social scenarios.

The evaluation report will present achievements/impacts of the programme, identify key lessons learned, best practices, and recommendations that will provide both HelpAge and its partners with valuable information.

The main objectives of the evaluation are to:

Assess the extent to which the expected results of the project have been met and how the results have contributed to the reduction of poverty and sustainable development in the project areas including: Assessment of the relevance of the project activities to the needs and priorities of the targeted beneficiaries as well as its contribution to the EC Uganda Country Strategy, HelpAge International global Actions, the country’s National Poverty Reduction Strategy and provincial and district development plans. Reviewing the effectiveness of community and civil society capacity strengthening to influence service delivery by the local authorities through their participation in the planning, implementation and monitoring of development initiatives. Assessing the extent to which the project activities resulted in any unintended/unplanned results and impacts guided by indicators outlined in the project log frame providing tangible qualitative and quantitative evidence to support statements of impact made in the analysisAssess the effectiveness of HelpAge’s organisational set-up/management systems in the delivery of the project including the extent to which they contribute to, or inhibit the delivery of, the project results including:- Reviewing the accuracy of qualitative and quantitative data being generated by the project’s M&E system - including its ability to capture numbers as well as enhancing learning within the project.Identifying mechanisms put in place to ensure the sustainability of the project including involvement of target communitiesReview effectiveness of project management and financial management, contract management, inter-agency relationships, coalition partners, value for money etc. Partner management and institutional strengthening outcomes and achievement of HelpAge and partner in increasing accountability, transparency and sustainability of implementing partners. Establish how gender issues and the effects of the project on men and women have been captured.Identify good examples, practices or models in the project that can be documented and showcased for learning, scale up and Establish how the information and evidence generated within the project has been used by partners to improve programming and change the Organisation’s way of implementing programmes (knowledge management and sharing).Assess the effectiveness of advocacy work at the district and national level in attaining the set results including reviewing the extent to which the project has influenced other key actors in enhancing participation and involvement of vulnerable groups, their representation in various structures and resource allocation.3.0 The Scope of the End of Project Evaluation

The End of Project Evaluation will be carried out extensively and will examine as applicable the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and coherence within the project all cross cutting issues and standards.

The task is expected to begin by mid November 2011 and run through to mid January 2012, inclusive of report writing.

4.0. Expression of Interest and Expected Results

The potential consultants are expected to deliver as follows:

Interpreting the TORExplaining in detail the methodology to be used in carrying out the assignmentProviding a detailed professional budget in Euros (indicating daily professional rates)Explaining their competences to meet the requirements of the assignment Attaching brief technical biographical data of the core team-members Providing the duration of the assignment and when ready to undertake the assignment.Providing evidence of similar work undertaken in the recent past (not more than 3 years)5. Exclusion criteria

5.1 Tax Liability:

Settlement of any tax liability arising from this agreement will remain the responsibility of the consultant.

5. 2 Ineligibility Criteria

All potential contractors that fall into any of the following categories will be excluded from participating in HelpAge procurement procedures:

If your company/ firm is bankrupt, being wound up, are having your affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations; If you have been convicted of an offence concerning your professional conduct by a court judgment; If you have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means that the contracting authority can justify; If you have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the Government of Uganda and Kenya.If you have been the subject of a court judgment for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organization or any other illegal activity; If you have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with previous contractual obligations;All interested consultants must confirm in writing that they do not fall into any of the above categories.

5.3 Exclusion Criteria

In addition to the ineligibility criteria applied by HelpAge, the following exclusion criterion below applies:

If the consultant/firm is guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by HelpAge as a condition of participation in the call for EOI, or fail to supply all of the information requested.4.4 Award Criteria

The following criteria will be considered when selecting the potential consultants:
Reflection of technical skills, delivery times, etc. Compliance with international normsPrice including any non-direct costs such as transportQualifications and experience of personnelReferencesDeadline for application: 16th November 2011.

Please send your application by email to: and

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