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Oct 19, 2021

Reasons you are not getting selected for the jobs

“Why am I not getting selected for the jobs I apply for?”

However frustrating it is, not getting selected for jobs is inevitable when it comes to job hunting. When employers do not pick you, it means your application came short of something important.

It could be grammatical errors, incomplete application, or even over-qualification. To recognize the mistakes you make, it all comes down to the vacancy you seek.

Before I take you through some of the mistakes that could be costing you the jobs you are applying for, let me show you why it is essential to notice the errors.

Why is it essential to recognize the Mistakes you make in your application?

One of the reasons you are missing out on the jobs you apply for could be because of the mistakes you make. To make better applications, you have to correct your previous mistakes, and for this to happen, you first have to note those errors.

Many people apply for the same jobs as you, and the majority of the applicants are usually qualified for the job, if not overqualified.

It is because of this reason employers eliminate applications by checking for mistakes made, even the misdemeanor. You have to, therefore, point out the mistakes that have been costing you the job of your dreams so you can correct them.

Do you now see how important doing this is? Now, let us look at the mistakes you could have made to make you not noticeable to employers.

Reasons you are not getting selected for the jobs you seek.

1. Your application is lacking.

The first step to getting you rejected is by sending a weak application. Your resume is supposed to be your marketing tool, but if written wrongly, it will disqualify you.

Write a professional CV that will impress the employers and accompany it with a cover letter that impressively talks about your profession.

Before you send your application, ensure it has all the requirements and is void of any mistakes. Have someone go through it for you to ensure no stone is left unturned.

2. You are selling yourself short.

Another reason you are not getting hired is that you are undervaluing your skills. As you tell the employer about what you can do, use phrases that best describe your talents.

You do this because the employer needs to feel that they have got the best candidate for the job. You do not create this strong impression by simply stating what you have and can do.

Use an example of what you have done before and give the impressive results of your work to create more oomph.

3. You are a passive applicant.

If you are one to apply for one job and seat back to wait for miracles, you are in for a big disappointment.

Job search needs commitment and a strategy to achieve good results. Apply for two or three jobs a week, and follow up on the ones you have applied for before.

Be proactive in your job search if you want it to move forward.

4. You have too high expectations.

You are not getting selected for the jobs because you do not meet the requirements yet are over-ambitious.

You have to be strategic about getting what you want without showing high expectations. It is good to be ambitious, but too much of it can cost you your dream job.

5. You are overqualified for the jobs

Finally, employers pass on you because you are applying for jobs that are way beneath your skills. Avoid applying for any job you come across just because you can.

Apply for jobs that are the best fit for your skills, and your chances of getting in will increase.

N.B: Looking For A New Job? Find Your Next Job With Us. Click Here To Register Your CV. It's Free.

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