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Jun 16, 2014

Kituo cha Sheria Baseline Survey Consultancy on Human Rights Violation along the Lapsset Corridor : A Case Study of Lamu

Kituo cha Sheria / Legal Advice Centre

Expression of Interest

Undertaking a Baseline Survey on Human Rights Violation along the Lapsset Corridor : A Case Study of Lamu

KITUO CHA SHERIA is a registered human rights non-governmental organization (NGO) whose mission is to empower the poor and marginalized people to effectively access justice and realize human and people’s rights through various strategies which include but not limited to provision of legal representation, community mobilization and advocacy, networking, lobbying, legal advice and education, public interest litigation and research. 

KITUO’s core values include respect for human rights, commitment to justice and equality for all, solidarity with the poor and marginalized, transparency, reliability and accountability in its relations with stakeholders, courage in promoting social transformation and empowerment of the poor and marginalised, obligation to uphold the rule of law and professionalism.KITUO, with support from the American Jewish World Service (hereinafter “AJWS”),is implementing a project with the overarching goal of raising awareness on national and international human rights and documenting violations and or potential violations thereof relating to the ongoing LAPPSET project.

The objective of the project activities is to ensure that the Kenyan government ¡s held accountable to

its citizens and that local communities are able to benefit from development on their land.
More specifically, under this project, KITUO intends to produce a well-researched, participatory and
action oriented baseline research report and advocacy tools such as popular version of the report, documentary, info graphics and or website which can be used by other AJWS partners and civil society organizations that advocate for enhanced community participation, revenue sharing, and transparency around the LAPPSET project..
In this regard, KITUO hereby seeks to identify a competent lead consultant to provide technical assistance in conducting the baseline research on Human Rights Violations along the LAPSSET Corridor on Natural Resource Management specifically targeting on Land and Environmental Rights and development of advocacy tools therefrom.

The specific Terms of Reference for this assignment include:

1. A review of the outputs and outcomes of the project to date in the related programming area of raising national and international level awareness on human rights abuses related to LAPSSET in promoting transparency and accountability to it citizens
2. Review, analyse and document existing literature and any other form of secondary data on human rights violations in Lamu County with respect to land and environmental rights and the LAPPSET project.
3. Collect primary data, analyse and document lived realities of individuals, communities, civil society actors, government actors among others on human rights awareness and violations thereof in Lamu County specifically in the area of Land and Environment.
4. Specially highlight and discuss existing gaps in law and policy and document best practices in Lamu County on natural resource management as relates to the LAPPSET project.
5. Detail concrete recommendations on possible solutions to redress the situation where collected data reveals widespread or systematic human rights violations in execution of the LAPPSET project.


1. To review existing literature and or other secondary sources on the LAPPSET project and the status on human rights in Lamu County.
2. To conduct in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with community-led organizations in affected areas, civil society organizations and County Government officials to document any human rights abuses and present compelling stories of human rights abuses related to the LAPPSET project.
3. To conduct in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with various individual and community-based stakeholders to document the demands of local communities and to highlight rights to which they are entitled.
4. To conduct a legal analysis of existing law and policy and proposed law and policy that will impact on the implementation of the LAPPSET project.
5. To analyse the data collected and gaps in law and policy that could exacerbate human rights abuses related to LAPPSET project in the future.
6. Give recommendations that will inform the project in undertaking strategic public interest litigation.

Application modalities:

Interested and qualified researchers, and/or research groups/consortia are hereby invited to submit
application(s) for Expressions of Interest to
Receipt of applications will close on 20th June 2014.
A. Applications should identify the following:
i. The applicant’s related experience and relevant qualifications in undertaking a similar assignment. A person with legal background on land and environment will have an added advantage.
ii. A statement of consultancy which should include explanations of how the consultant meets the required competencies (attach recent CV) and confirmation of availability
iii. Develop a theoretical framework and research methodology for the assignment including key milestones and accompanying timelines.
B. One sample of previous related research report co-authored by any one of the team members preferably the team leader for this assignment.
C. The names and contact details of two referees for the organization or group.

Selection criteria:
Selection will be based on the quality of A and B above as adjudged by an independent panel.1. All costs incurred by bidders as a result of this process and any subsequent requests for information shall be borne by the bidding entity;
2. Only Expressions of Interest that satisfy the requirements will be processed for final bidding.

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