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May 30, 2011

Egerton University Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration & Finance) Job in Kenya

Egerton University, the oldest institution of higher learning in Kenya, invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced individuals with excellent credentials to fill the above post.

Egerton University was founded in 1939 as Egerton Farm School and was upgraded to an Agricultural College in 1950. In 1986, the Agricultural College became a constituent College of the University of Nairobi. It was elevated to a University in 1987 through an Act of Parliament.

Since its inception, the University has registered significant expansion in student numbers, academic programmes and physical facilities. Currently the University has a student population of 12,500 and a staff no 1832 and consists of 2 campuses (Njoro and Nakuru Town).

Qualifications and Experiences

The candidates should possess the following qualifications and experience.

Be a professor or Associate Professor of a recognitized University with an earned Ph.D.At least 6 years of experience in senior academic and management positions (at the level of Senior Lecturer and above).Leadership experience in a modern university environment.Ability and leadership skills to effectively co-ordinate the Administration and Finance functions in the University.Provide academic and research leadership.Knowledge of strategic planning in education development.Proven capacity to promote learning, teaching, research and development in a university.Knowledge of national laws and policies in education.Be of the highest ethical standards, integrity and professionalism.Be familiar with financial planning and accounting.Candidates who possess additional professional qualifications such as MBA, CPA/CPS or other recognized professional qualifications in administration, management and finance will have and added advantage.

Duties and Responsibilities

Working under the general direction of the Vice-Chancellor the successful applicant shall:-

Have the overall responsibility of direction, organization, administration and programmes of the Division of Administration and Finance.Be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the general conduct and discipline of staff.Ensure that the University Management is properly and promptly advised to comply with all statutory and legal requirements currently in force.Ensure effective accountability to the Vice-Chancellor for the proper management of the University.Preparation and implementation of the University’s budget estimates and operational budget.Terms and Conditions of Service

Terms and conditions of service are performance based and include the following:-

Basic salary Kshs. 263,139 per month.House Allowances Khs. 70,000 per month.Other remunerative allowances Ksh. 48,500 per month.In addition as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (A&F) will be entitled to the following benefits
Medical cover as per University Medical Scheme.A chauffer driven official car.A gratuity of 31% of basic salary at the end of the contract.The contract of this position will be on a five-year term and shall be eligible for renewal once upon expiry of that period.

A comprehensive C.V. that contains details of the current remuneration, names addresses and e-mails of 3 referees must accompany application.

Applications should be sent through registered mail and marked ‘POST OF DVC (A&F)’ addressed to:-

The Secretary (Vice-Chancellor)
Egerton University Council
P.O. Box 536-20107

Tel.+254 051 2217810
Fax 254-051-2217827

The closing date is Tuesday June 14th, 2011 at 5.00 p.m.

Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification..

Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 certified

Please quote as the source of the job advert

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