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Aug 6, 2015

Kenya Pipeline Company Fiber Optic Cable Commercialization Consultancy Opportunity in Kenya

Kenya Pipeline Company Limited

Expression of Interest for Fiber Optic Cable Commercialization Consultancy

Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) Ltd is a state corporation owning and operating a multi-product pipeline network and facilities for transportation, storage and distribution of refined petroleum products at Mombasa, Nairobi, Kisumu, Nakuru and Eldoret.

The Company has embarked on a Strategy to venture into Broadband data business as a means of leveraging on the existing Right of Way.

The Company is currently laying a 96No. Cores fiber optic cable from Mombasa to Nairobi. 

The cable laying is expected to be completed in 2016. 


The Company intends to deploy the installed fiber for both internal use and commercialize the extra 90No. Cores fiber optic cables.

The purpose of this expression of interest is to seek out competent firms to undertake a market survey and advise KPC.

Specifically the terms of reference include:-

i. Conducting a survey and determining the feasibility (including but not limited to legal, technical, economic and environmental feasibilities) of the fiber(s) commercialization along KPC pipelines. 

The successful bidder shall further advise on the business venture, the market entry strategies, demand forecast, operational plan, engineering plan, technology options and deployments, business segmentation with a view to maximizing return on investment.

ii. Develop a business case/plan for the venture and provide technical engineering designs for the ideal deployments. The bidder shall fill a predefined template with data analyzed from feasibility studies done in (i) above.

iii. Oversee the implementation of the project and

iv. Provide quality assurance services at the implementation stage.

The area of concentration is the current and future pipeline routes within the East African market as the primary target.

The schedule below provides the minimum qualifications for shortlisting;

i. The Consultant shall be a registered firm (provide registration details).

ii. International firms incorporated outside the Republic of Kenya must partner with local firms in a joint venture arrangement for these services. A copy of a joint venture agreement must be attached.

iii. Bidders must provide a copy of certificate of incorporation. In the case of Joint Ventures, all partners must provide a copy of a certificate of incorporation to demonstrate the legal capacity to enter into a contract for the provision of the services. 

Bidders must attach an English translation where documents are in a foreign language. 

Note that writing the registration number on a letter will not be sufficient.

iv. Provide a valid Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Tax Compliance Certificate [for Local Companies in the Joint venture] or Certificate of Compliance issued under Part X of the Companies Act [for foreign Companies currently doing business in Kenya].

v. Provide a letter stating that the firm or members of the consortium are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or in the process of being wound-up and is not the subject of legal proceedings. Information regarding any current litigation in which the firm is involved should be provided.

vi. Provide a signed declaration form stating that the firm or members of the consortium are not limited or disqualified under any of the provisions of The Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005 and Regulations, 2006 and that the firm or members of the consortium have not been involved in activities that contravene anti-corruption laws and policies.

vii. Bidders must have undertaken previous relevant engagements. A list of projects done including the names and addresses of clients, their signed testimonials and duration of the task as per the attached Standard Form must be provided.

viii. A proposed methodology, schedule of requirements, plan and schedule of implementation of the project must be provided.

ix. Bidders must demonstrate capacity to deliver such a project by;

a. Providing details of at least three (3) fiber optic communications related feasibility studies, demand assessment & business case projects undertaken.

b. Having a minimum of five years’ experience in implementing similar solution.

x. Provide at least three (3) references letters from organizations you have undertaken services of similar nature.

xi. The bidder must be ready to showcase at least two (2) existing fiber business operations resulting from their consultancy services.

xii. Demonstration of financial capability in carrying out the services by attaching audited accounts for the last three (3) years.

Note: KPC reserves the right to verify accuracy of all information provided through calls, site visits, and manufacturer validations among other means.

Interested applicants will be required to email their detailed contact information to for recording, further clarifications and addenda. We shall also post any addenda on the website as it becomes available.

No other email addresses shall be used and KPC shall not be liable if applicants choose to send their information and/or queries to other email addresses.

Interested applicants should submit their EOIs in sealed envelopes clearly marked “EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR FIBRE OPTIC CABLE COMMERCIALIZATION CONSULTANCY – SU/QT/393N/15” DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 10.00a.m. 18TH AUGUST 2015” addressed to:

The Managing Director
Kenya Pipeline Company Limited
Kenpipe Plaza
Sekondi Road
P.O. Box 73442 – 00200

So as to be received at the said address on or before 18th August 2015 at 10.00 a.m. or to deposited at in the tender box situated on Ground Floor of Kenpipe Plaza, Nairobi Terminal situated at Industrial Area, Nairobi on or before the said date. 

EOIs submitted later than this date and time shall automatically be disqualified. 

Opening of the EOIs will take place immediately thereafter in the Company’s Boardroom in the same building. 

Applicants or their representatives are welcome to witness the opening.

Only Shortlisted firms will be invited to submit their Request for Proposal (RFP) documents. KPC is not bound to accept or reject any EOI/RFP either in whole or in part.

Procurement Manager
For: Managing Director

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