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Feb 27, 2015

Call For Expression Of Interest In Consultancy To Facilitate The Gaps Analysis And Capacity Assessment Of South Sudan Human Rights Commission

The Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) is a regional membership organization for African National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs). NANHRI currently has 44 members, of whom 18 are now accredited as A status NHRIs by the International Coordinating Committee of the National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC). The NANHRI Secretariat office is based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Our mission is to support, through national, sub‐regional, regional and international cooperation, the establishment, strengthening and development of NHRIs in Africa in order to enable them to more effectively undertake their mandate of human rights monitoring, promotion, protection and advocacy. Our vision is an Africa where every country has a well functioning NHRI established in accordance with the Paris Principlescontributing meaningfully to a continent characterized by human rights culture and justice for all.


State Parties have specific obligations to (i) respect, (ii) protect, and (iii) fulfill the rights contained in the international and regional human rights conventions.

Various steps have been taken by African States, individually and through international assistance and cooperation to promote and protect human rights and freedoms of its citizens. Among this is the establishment of NHRIs which are in the unique position to promote and protect human rights, while they also play an oversight role. Many NHRIs face several challenges that affect their ability to effectively discharge their mandate. These include weak leadership and governance of the NHRIs, inadequate and unpredictable financial resources, lack of skilled staff, inability to be strategic or systematic in approach, inability to manage human rights programs, perceptions that they are not independent and that they base their actions on donor interests.

It is no wonder that the human rights situations in several countries in the region remain weak even after 20 years from the time NHRIs were established. The rights of citizens are still violated, some of whom have not been able to access justice. There are low levels of human rights respect in society and among public officials. The majority of citizens lack awareness on human rights and there are still laws, policies and practices going on that are insensitive to human rights norms. Even when there is a comprehensive bill of rights in the Constitution, implementation is weak. Reports of marginalization and exclusion are still rampant.

Given this, the NHRIs can only make a difference when they have the necessary capacities to discharge their constitutional/legislative mandates, and hence promote their credibility and relevance as part of a national human rights system. Consequently, NANHRI in line with its current strategic plan under the strategic priority 1: Strengthening the capacity of African NHRIswill strengthen the capacity of the South Sudan Human Rights Commission (SSHRC) to enable it to better deliver on its functions and contribute to increasing human rights respect in the country through a gaps analysis exercise.

Strengthening human rights at country level is an objective common to the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI). To better understand its member NHRIs and their respective capacity needs, NANHRI conducts gaps analysis with a view to understanding their current capacities and the gaps that the NHRI needs to develop in order to work effectively in the future. This process is beneficial both to the member NHRI and to NANHRI which is consequently able to have a better understanding and appreciation of the needs of its members. The outcome of these assessments presents NANHRI with an invaluable opportunity to tailor future capacity building interventions individually to each member.

The capacity assessment of the South Sudan Human Rights Commission (SSHRC) seeks to identify its strengths as enablers for, and the gaps that prevent it from working effectively. The findings and conclusions are expected to form the basis for strategic and programmatic support to the SSHRC.

This initiative will be done jointly by NANHRI (through the MacArthur Foundation grant) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Country Office in South Sudan with the involvement of key national strategic partners.


The objective of the consultancy is to assess and develop strategies to address the most important capacity needs of the SSHRC.

Expected OUTPUTS / Deliverables:

The Consultant will work under the supervision of the NANHRI and in coordination with the SSHRC, the UNDP and the OHCHR (regional and country level) and other key partners to deliver the following outputs:

  • Draft/review a Concept Note to carry out a capacity self assessment of the SSHRC;

  • Review and strengthen existing tools and instruments to carry out the assessment;

  • Provide technical advice to NANHRI and NHRI on best practice in carrying out a holistic and comprehensive self assessment of SSHRC to deliver on its mandates;

  • Facilitate the capacity self assessment of the SSHRC and draft a report;

  • An internal report documenting the lessons learnt through this exercise necessary to assist NANHRI, UNDP and OHCHR to consolidate its NHRI capacity assessment tools and methodologies.


  • Review literature on national human rights systems, and capacity assessment tools and methodologies for NHRIs, making comparisons between those from UNDP, NANHRI and other development agencies across the globe and in Africa particularly;

  • Review and facilitate consensus on a Concept Note providing among others, a framework and methodology for the assessment, with a possibility of self assessment;

  • Facilitate the assessment visit drawing on lessons from the recently completed assessments.

  • Document and analyse the factors and drivers for a successful assessment, and elicit lessons for good practice that can be replicated and which will be used to consolidate assessment approach with a strong emphasis on self assessment;

  • Recommend key policy and programmatic principles that NANHRI can consider in strengthening its own capacity development tool by tailoring it to the context of NHRIs.

Duration of the Contract

The time frame for delivering the outputs outlined is one month: 13th March to 13th April 2015. The dates for the actual assessment mission to South Sudan being from 30th March to 4th April 2015. The Consultant will be expected to deliver 15 days of work during the one month period. These days may be worked non- consecutively following agreement with NANHRI in consultation with SSHRC.


  • Proven expertise on human rights and national human rights systems and NHRIs in particular, and experiences in identifying best practices in policy and programmatic process related to the effectiveness of NHRIs;

  • Experience of working for the United Nations on human rights and on establishment or strengthening of NHRIs, in particular in the Africa region;

  • Experience in facilitating organizational development initiatives and delivering workshops for NHRIs and their key partners;

  • Extensive experience in participating in drafting policy papers, carrying out studies and research;

  • In depth understanding of the Africa region is an advantage.

  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.

Required Skills and Experience

Minimum Requirements:

  • Advanced university degree in political science, economics, public policy and administration, public sector finance, development studies, or human rights law;

  • Minimum 10 years of experience in human rights and development and experience in working in developing countries, particularly in the Africa region;

  • Knowledge and understanding of the how NHRI function and operate in challenging contexts;

  • Experience working with NHRIs;

  • Experience and superior understanding of development policy formulation and/or development processes to promote the realization of human rights;

  • A proven track record of high level consultancy and advisory work for the United Nations and or reputable international organizations.

Payment Schedule

The Consultant will be paid a sum including reimbursable costs of travel and per diem against key deliverables as follows:

  • 40% upon signature of contract

  • 60% on delivery of final assessment report and draft internal report of lessons learnt

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