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Mar 12, 2015

Seeking Expressions of Interest for Data Collection Assistance in Somalia

Seeking Expressions of Interest for Data Collection Assistance in Somalia

International Business and Technical Consultants Inc. (IBTCI) Somalia Program Support Services (SPSS) is seeking expressions of interest from data collection and survey research organizations. The selected firm will provide independent collection of data for a baseline survey of a USAID-funded education program operating in Somalia. The award would be for approximately two months, from April 2015 to mid-June 2015.

The organization will be responsible for conducting the following activities:

Collection of data on the proportion of students, in formal secondary schools and non-formal education centers, which demonstrate appropriate knowledge. For formal schools, appropriate refers to grade-level knowledge. For non-formal centers, appropriate refers to proficiency in basic literacy and basic numeracy. Data will be collected in Somaliland, Puntland, Mogadishu (Banadir) and South Central Somalia

Requirements and selection criteria:

1) The organization must demonstrate relevant technical experience in gathering and analyzing data, especially data based on educational testing.

2) The organization must demonstrate the ability to operate in all regions of Somalia, including Somaliland, Puntland, Mogadishu and South Central Somalia.

3) The organization should provide written references from current or previous clients that attest to their competency in the requested services.

Please refer to the attachment for an illustrative sampling frame for data collection.

How to apply:

Please send responses to Responses must include a capabilities statement highlighting the organization’s technical staff, ability of the organization to scale up staff and consultants to meet the requested demand for data collection. Additionally, please include an illustrative budget and timeline based on this solicitation. Total length of the Expression of Interest (EOI) should not exceed 7 pages. 12-point font should be used throughout EOI, with 1” page margins and single line spacing. On cover page of the EOI should be indicated name of contact person, title of contact person, and contact details. In case if submitted EOI does not provide complete information requested by this solicitation SPSS keeps right to consider such EOI as non-responsive. Qualifying organizations must be able to demonstrate geographical presence, with past performance with reference contact information no later than Tuesday March 17 at 5 PM (1700 hours) Nairobi time.

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