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Sep 15, 2015

International Rescue Committee November 2015 Health and Nutrition Survey Consultancy in Kakuma, Kenya

International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Health and Nutrition Survey, November 2015

Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya

Background: Kakuma Refugee Camp is situated in the North Western part of Kenya in Turkana County. 

The Camp hosts over 181,000 refugees from twenty two different nationalities with South Sudanese being the largest group at 48.1% followed closely by Somali at 32.7%.

It is worth to note that Kakuma refugee camp has received an influx of asylum seekers from South Sudan fleeing from the current political instability from the beginning of the year which has led to significant increase in camp population.


The agencies operating in the camp are International Rescue Committee (IRC), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Lutheran World Federation (LWF), National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK), JRS, Film Aid International (FAI), Windle Trust (WT), Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK), World Vision Kenya (WVK) and IOM. United Nations agencies include World Food Programme (WFP) and UNHCR.

The IRC has been operating in the camp since 1992 and from January 1997, it took over the management of the entire health sector and it is currently the sole agency providing comprehensive health care services to refugees. 

The IRC implements programs in Clinical services, Nutrition, Community health, Reproductive health, Women empowerment and protection, GBV, HIV/AIDS and protection mainstreaming and safe programming

The Nutrition program runs a range of preventive and curative oriented activities which include Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition, Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition, Nutrition Surveillance & Assessments and Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme targeting pregnant womn, lactating women, children aged 6 to 23 months and Comprehensive Care Clinic patients (TB & PLWHA).

The prevalence of acute malnutrition in the camp has been on a downward trend since 2005, however the November 2014 health and nutrition survey reported Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rate of 7.4% down from 7.9% in 2013. 

The decrease in GAM rate was however not statistically significant since the confidence intervals overlapped. The SAM rate remained low at 0.4% as in 2014.

The IRC in collaboration with UNHCR will conduct a health and nutrition survey in November 2014 to assess the nutritional status and other major public health indicators in the Kakuma Refugee camp and determine associated causes of malnutrition in the camp.

Objectives of the Survey

The Consultant will oversee the survey and produce updated Anthropometry, Health, Anemia, IYCF, Food Security, WASH and mosquito net coverage indicators in Kakuma Refugee Camp as per the following objectives:

  • To determine the prevalence of acute malnutrition amongst children aged 6-59 months;

  • To determine the prevalence of stunting among children aged 6-59 months;

  • To assess the prevalence of anaemia among children aged 6-59 months and non-pregnant women of reproductive age (15-49 years);

  • To assess the two week period prevalence of diarrhoea among children 6-59 months;

  • To assess the coverage of vitamin A supplementation in the last 6 months in children aged 6-59 months;

  • To determine the coverage of measles vaccination in children 9-59 months;

  • To assess the nutritional status of pregnant women, and lactating women using MUAC;

  • To establish IYCF practices among children aged 0 to 23 months of age;

  • To determine the ownership of mosquito nets (all types and LLINs) in households;

  • To determine the utilization of mosquito nets (all types and LLINs) by the total population, children 0-59 months and pregnant women;

  • To determine the population’s access to, and use of improved water, sanitation and hygiene facilities;

  • To investigate household food security and dietary diversity practices;

  • To determine the coverage of ration cards and the duration the general food ration lasts for recipient households

  • To determine the extent to whichnegative coping strategies are used by the households

  • To assess the coverage of iron-folic acid supplementation in pregnant women;

  • To estimate the coverage of blanket supplementary feeding programmes for children aged 6-23 months;

  • To identify priority areas in programme implementation and propose informed recommendations for future programming


The Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART) methodology will be used to collect and analyse data on child anthropometry. 

UNHCR’s newly developed Standardised Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) Guidelines for Refugee Populations (Version 1.3, March 2012) will be used to collect and analyse information on all other indicators.

The survey will incorporate the use of android mobile phones and Open Data Kit (ODK) software for data collection and entry, which will replace paper questionnaires. 

Questionnaires will first be developed and adapted on paper and then coded in ODK and uploaded to the mobile phones.

 Phones will be synchronized and data extracted on a daily basis in order for various checks to be conducted including checking for missing data and quality checks on the anthropometric data using the SMART Plausibility Check. 

All standard procedures for sampling and other survey preparatory procedures will be followed.

Duration of the Consultancy

The consultancy will last approximately for 35 days, starting from 3rd November, 2014.


  1. A final assessment report including recommendations on actions to address the situation is to be submitted at the end of the Consultancy. Results of standardization tests, details of data cleaning and plausibility checks should be presented in the final report. The report must conform to the CRED survey completeness checklist (

  2. Standardized tables as presented in the UNHCR SENS Guidelines for refugee populations (version 1.3 2012, should be used for presentation of the results.

  3. The preliminary findings and major recommendations are to be presented to partners at the field level (oral presentation and PowerPoint slides).

  4. The final cleaned version of the data sets used to calculate the survey results is to be sent to the Nutrition Manager and Health & Nutrition Coordinator.

Modalities of Survey Administration

The consultant will take lead in the planning, training of the survey teams, and execution of the survey, data management, data analysis and report writing with support from the UNHCR Nutritionist. 

The IRC field staff will recruit the nutrition survey teams, supervise the survey teams and handle all logistics during the implementation of the survey, including provision of necessary equipment and materials.

The UNHCR will provide android mobile phones, ODK software, questionnaires, code questionnaires in ODK software and upload the questionnaires to the mobile phones. 

In addition, the UNHCR will provide guidance and support to the consultant on use of android mobile phone and support with any technical issues to ensure a smooth implementation of the device in data collection.

The consultant will report on regular basis to the IRC Nutrition manager and the Field coordinator who will have the overall responsibility of the survey.

Mode of Payment

The consultant will be paid his/her full consultancy fee in form of Cheque less 5% withholding tax upon successful completion of the survey, submission of a complete training report and an invoice.

Conditions of Work

The IRC Kakuma will facilitate consultant’s travel from Nairobi to Kakuma and back; provide accommodation and meals for the duration of stay in Kakuma. 

The consultant will organize for own transport to/from the airport.

The consultant will be required to abide by the IRC security procedures and rules in place for the IRC staff. 

A security briefing will be provided to the consultants upon arrival in Kakuma by the Field safety and Security officer.

Qualifications and Experience Required

The successful candidate will:

  • Masters degree or the equivalent, with advanced education in nutrition, with a specific competency nutrition surveillance especially in humanitarian emergencies.

  • Have significant experience in undertaking nutrition surveys (design and methodologies, training, field supervision and data analysis/write up).

  • Be familiar with the SMART survey methodology and ENA, Epi/ENA or Epi Info software and SENS

  • Be fluent in English and Swahili with excellent writing and presentation skills.

  • Experience in android mobile technology in data collection and UNHCR Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) guidelines for refugee populations (Version 1.3, March 2012) preferred.

For payment to be approved the following documents are required:

  • A signed contract, approved by the field coordinator or his designate

  • Copy of PIN certificate

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Detailed description of work entailed in a report.

  • Submission of an invoice on completion of work.

Upon completion of work, a statement of verification is required signed by the IRC employee overseeing the consultant’s work. 

The verification work statements must advice and indicate that all work as stipulated out in the agreement has been completed and include the dates worked. This is paramount to facilitate the final payment.

* Note:  Payment will not be approved for days worked after the time frame agreed upon in the contract. An updated agreement must be signed to extend the work period.

How to Apply

CLICK HERE to apply online

IRC leading the way from harm to home.

IRC is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

IRC considers all applicants on the basis of merit without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status or disability.

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