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Feb 13, 2015

Oxfam Gender and Power Analysis Consultancy Opportunity in Nairobi, Kenya

Terms of Reference for Gender and Power Analysis

Project Title: Promoting livelihoods and Inclusion of vulnerable women domestic workers and women small scale traders

A project co-funded by the European Union

Location: Nairobi

Region: HECA

Division: International

Job Type: Consultancy

Background: Oxfam Great Britain (GB) is a development, humanitarian, and campaigning organisation that works to find lasting solutions to poverty and suffering. 

Oxfam GB has been working in Kenya since 1963 and currently has two major programmes in the Urban, and Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASALS) where the organization works on empowerment of the poor and vulnerable groups.

Oxfam Kenya’s Urban Programme in partnership with National Organization of Peer Educators (NOPE), SITE Enterprise Promotion and Women’s Empowerment Link (WEL) have received financial support from the European Commission to implement a four years project for the benefit of poor and vulnerable women domestic workers and small scale traders in Nairobi City’s slums. 

The aims of this project are to strengthen socio-economic status of the target groups through empowerment with the relevant skills, strategic linkages and advocacy among others. 

This project will be implemented in partnership with diverse stakeholders, both state and non-state, in order to effectively and sustainably address the challenges that affect the target groups such as low and unreliable incomes, poor negotiation skills, overworking, lack of favourable policy environment, harassments, extortion, arbitrary arrests and sexual harassments, limited knowledge of their rights, limited access to markets and credits, inadequate skills and business skills.

This project will use multiple approaches such as technical capacity building, policy influencing and monitoring, mobilization and awareness, budget influencing and monitoring, and networking with relevant stakeholders. The direct beneficiaries will be 10,000 women domestic workers and 20,000 women small scale traders residing in Mukuru, Kibera, Korogocho, Mathare and Kawangware slums within Nairobi City.

They will largely gain from skills enhancement, access to financial information and relevant linkages. The policy influencing component will however be cross cutting. It will target Nairobi city and national duty bearers as well as the community opinion leaders with the aim of influencing policies, practices and attitudes for enhanced benefit to the millions of domestic workers and small scale traders both in Nairobi and Kenya.

This project will undertake a detailed Gender and Power Analysis at the beginning of the project in the target areas. The study will inform and guide the four partners to develop appropriate strategies and implement this project gender responsively, in relation to gender dynamics, and the experiences and needs of the target groups. 

The information from this study will be two-fold namely:

1) Gender Analysis: The existing gender inequalities that shape how decisions are made at family and community levels, how resources are allocated, and the interaction between men and women as well as with institutions outside their community. It will also provide information on the distinction on how poverty affects women from men, and boys from girls, the differences between their needs and concerns, and the social, economic, cultural, political, legal and policy barriers that perpetuate gender inequalities.

2) Power Analysis: The existing unequal power relations and how these relations contribute to and sustain poverty and suffering of the marginalized and weak groups. This will include culture, beliefs, norms, legal and policy that promote inequity at household, community and national levels especially unequal powers in decision making and and weak/poor representation in leadership. It will help establish who to engage and how throughout the project.

Overall Objective: The objective of the project is to enhance socio-economic empowerment of poor and vulnerable women domestic workers and small scale traders in Nairobi urban settlements.

Specific Objectives: The project will specifically seek to address the gender imbalances in access to and control of resources and decision making at household, community and institutional levels.

Study Objectives

The objectives of this study will be to:-

a) Improve understanding of Oxfam GB Kenya, NOPE, SITE and WEL on:

i. The gender inequalities in decision making and allocation of resources in Nairobi city slums, distinction on how poverty affects women from men, and boys from girls, their preferences and needs, and the underlying causes of this.

ii. The existing gender related power inequalities and how these inequalities contribute to and sustain poverty of the poor and marginalized groups in Nairobi city slums.

iii. The social, economic, cultural, political, legal and policy barriers that promote gender and power inequalities and hinder sustainable economic growth, participation in decision making and weak representation in leadership of the women, poor and marginalized groups in Nairobi city slums. It will explain the root causes of these barriers and why they exist.

b) Provide information on the root causes that contribute to poverty among women/men and present appropriate proposals and specific strategies on how the identified challenges and issues in and those in “A” above can be addressed effectively to promote meaningful and sustainable empowerment of women domestic workers and small scale traders.

c) Identify potential risks that are likely to affect effective empowerment of the target groups as proposed in “B” above and provide the relevant mitigation strategies and measures.

Scope of Study: This study will take place in Nairobi City and will involve review of secondary  literature and collection of primary data from the target women, government officials, opinion leaders in target areas and other stakeholders e.g. men and CSOs with similar programmes. 

The data collected from the two sources will be analysed and presented precisely under the respective objectives and outputs with clear recommendations to Oxfam and the partners on how to implement effective and sustainable empowerment of the target women.

Methodology: The consultants shall use gender analysis tools and methodologies contextualized to the urban communities in the project areas. 

The study shall put in place deliberate preference for tools that challenge and explore strategic and structural gender and power inequalities, and apply participatory and gender sensitive approaches at all levels. 

The consultants shall interview a wide range of stakeholders that include representatives of the target women, men who are heads of households, relevant government officials, women’s organizations, relevant trade unions, associations that serve similar vulnerable groups, community based institutions and local and international non-government actors to get their views. 

The consultants may also apply other research tools as may be appropriate subject to discussion with and approval by Oxfam’s Project Manager. 

Where approved, the additional  tools will first have to be included in and become part of the technical proposal. 

Project staff from the four implementing partners may be involved in the study processes including designing of the methodology, development of data collection tools, field data collection and analysis. 

Where necessary, the consultants will be required to build capacity of the project staff and supervise them in the course of this study. 

Participation of the project team in this study will ensure that they are part of the process and fully own the findings.


a) Inception report indicating how the consultants propose to carry out the tasks with timelines, the methodologies and tools to be used in the study which must be agreed upon and signed off by Oxfam’s Project Manager. The report will outline which tools will inform analysis against which areas of the study.

b) Disaggregated data on the status of gendered division of labour between women and men, and girls and boys at household and community levels, and economic spheres in the target slums.

c) Access to skills and productive resources held or controlled by women and men, girls and boys, the kind of labour services they undertake, and their influence in the control of resources at the household, community and public spheres.

d) Existing formal and informal legal, policy, attitudes, beliefs and practices that promote gendered and class inequalities, status of existing inequalities, and the primary blockers, perpetrators or enablers to these developments and situations.

e) Gaps on the policies and practices that hinder effective participation of urban women and girls, the poor and marginalized groups in decision making, leadership, formal and informal economy, and mapping of policies and practices that are enablers.

f) Status of women and girls participation in decision making and development activities at the household and community levels and the social, economic, political and cultural factors that affect their participation in these processes.

g) Main forms and types of violence against women that face women in the target slums the underlying causes of these violations, the extent to which they can affect the project’s success and strategies on how to address the identified causes.

h) The socio-economic status of the target women, other local women and the poor, their capacity, aspirations and ability to challenge their discrimination and exercise their rights.

i) Capacity, preparedness and practice by the government institutions, community based institutions and local CSOs in promoting gender equality, the challenges they face and existing opportunities.

j) Identify the local capacities, potentials and opportunities in the target slums that can play active role in promoting active women’s participation and addressing gender inequality.

k) Give practical strategies for addressing the identified gender and power imbalances and inequalities.

l) A risk analysis, with mitigation strategies, for the gender and power analysis itself should be included at the start.

m) Potential risks that are likely to affect effective empowerment of the target groups and relevant mitigation strategies and measures

Skills and Experience: The study team shall be carried out by a team that includes of researchers who shall have the following skills and competencies:

  1. At least a Masters Degree in Gender or relevant social science field or development studies for the Lead Researcher and relevant Bachelors Degree for other members of the team.

  2. High quality skills in research, analysis and presentation of findings for development work with demonstrated experience in gender analysis of at least three years.

  3. Demonstrated understanding of the gender policy environment and experience in the Kenyan context as well as good knowledge of and contacts with key gender actors in the country.

  4. Demonstrated past experience and practical familiarity with urban slums in Kenya especially working with such communities.

  5. Proven experience of using participatory tools as means of data collection and analysis.

  6. Excellent analytical and report writing skills.

  7. Fluency in spoken and written English and Kiswahili.

Outline of Report: The report shall be presented in the headings and sub headings mentioned below which shall be clearly distinguished from each other. 

The areas noted below are subject to review after receipt of the inception report and debrief:

  1. Cover page

  2. Table of contents

  3. Executive summary that shall present major findings of the study, summary of conclusions and recommendations.

  4. Objectives of the study.

  5. Methodology including the justification of the methods and techniques, the samples and tools.

  6. Study findings and analysis thereof which will also include the unexpected but relevant findings. All the specific objectives and deliverables must be addressed appropriately.

  7. Conclusions which presents precise analysis of the various research questions to be derived from the findings and analysis.

  8. Recommendations which should be related to conclusions but presented separately. They should be practical and if necessary be divided up for various actors or stakeholders and include guidelines of how they can be implemented.

  9. References to sources used, such as interviews, literature, reports, must be given.

  10. Annexes.

Confidentiality of information: All documents and data collected will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate analysis. Interviewees will not be quoted in the reports without their permission.

Presentation of Report: The production of the study report will be the liability of the consultants and will cover all the aspects outlined in this ToR while Oxfam and partners will be responsible for coordinating the exercise and assisting in the study processes. 

The report will be:

  1. Produced in English language and in simple expressions that are easy to understand.

  2. Maximum of 50 pages with short annexes.

  3. The report format and text shall be in A4 paper size and a legible font Arial 11 or 12 font size.

  4. At least one hard copy and one electronic copy by the agreed deadline.

Content: All the required documents and reports in their draft and final versions shall be submitted to Oxfam Project Manager within the specified timing in this ToR. The Project Manager commits to give written feedback to each of the submitted documents within 14 working days of receipt.

Consultancy Period: The entire period of this consultancy will be for 30-45 working days that will include preparation, development of the survey tools, testing and reviewing of the tools, actual field work, data analysis and preparation of draft report, presentation of the draft report Oxfam, partners and key stakeholders, reviewing and submitting of the final report.


Tax and VAT Arrangements: Oxfam GB will deduct withholding tax from the consultancy fees which will be in conformity with the prevailing government rates and submit the same to the Government of Kenya. The consultant will be entitled to a copy of the tax submission certificate on request from Oxfam.

Supervision: The overall supervisor of this assignment will be Oxfam Project Manager. However, the consultant will work on a day to day basis under the direct supervision of Oxfam’s Programme Officers in charge of Markets and Livelihoods, and Urban Governance.

Bid Requirements: Consultants who meet the requirements of this assignment should submit Expression of Interest of MAXIMUM OF 10 PAGES which should include the following:

  1. Suitability statement that express commitment to availability for the entire period of the assignment.

  2. Brief statement of on the proposed study methodology including a detailed work plan.

  3. Updated curriculum vitae of the consultants that clearly spell out their qualifications and experiences.

  4. Contacts of 3 organizations that have recently contracted the consultant to carry out similar tasks.

  5. Financial proposal with daily costs per activity which shall be part of the 10 pages.

Application Process

Interested and qualified consultants should
CLICK HERE to send their applications before or by 22nd February 2015 at 5.00 P.M

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