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Jun 30, 2023


Country: Kenya

Organization: Danish Refugee Council

Closing date: 13 Jul 2023

Please find complete bidding documents in the following link: RFP NO.KEN-00243459 PROVISION OF PRODUCTION OF PREVENTION AND PROTECTION MESSAGING

Terms of Reference (TOR) for Production of Prevention and Protection Messaging with Community Members

Who is the Danish Refugee Council

Founded in 1956, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a leading international NGO and one of the few with specific expertise in forced displacement. Active in 40 countries with 9,000 employees and supported by 7,500 volunteers, DRC protects, advocates, and builds sustainable futures for refugees and other displacement-affected people and communities. DRC works during displacement at all stages: in the acute crisis, in displacement, when settling and integrating in a new place, or upon return. DRC provides protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance, supports displaced persons in becoming self-reliant and included in hosting societies. It works with civil society and responsible authorities to promote the protection of rights and peaceful coexistence.

DRC’s work covers all aspects of refugee issues based on humanitarian principles and human rights. The overarching mission of DRC is to assist and protect refugees and to empower them towards a better future. DRC strives to provide sustainable solutions for refugees, displaced people, and host communities coupled with the objective of enabling those they assist to live dignified lives. DRC operates in line with its values that is a Humanitarian Approach, Respect, Independence, Neutrality, Inclusion, Honesty, and Transparency.

Purpose of the Consultancy

The Danish Refugee Council based in Kenya seeks proposals from a consultant to produce protection messages and audio-visual materials that can be used to promote prevention and protection messaging for community members. These shall be promoted through various digital modalities that will be identified; such as radio, advertisement, posters and social media.

The media/communication material produced in the assignment will be able to inform DRC beneficiaries the different protection messages and prevention measures that can be taken. The media materials will take into consideration guidelines by the Supporting Displacement Affected Communities in Kenya with Entrepreneurship Development (SDACKED) project’s communication and visibility plans.


DRC recognizes that each refugee/ person of concern has different capacities and priorities and faces different protection risks. These protection risks may be heightened as a result of specific age, gender, diversity characteristics, and the intersection between those characteristics. Particular focus is given to women who have the burden of care at the household level and protection concerns that they face due to economic hardship.

DRC is currently working with existing community structures such as the Community Savings and Loans Associations (CSLAs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Refugee-Led Organizations (RLOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) etc. To promote inclusion, DRC is also working with the very poor/vulnerable/persons with special needs (PSN), gender-based violence (GBV) survivors, youth, the elderly and minority groups as they establish and build a means of livelihoods. Those who have gone through a crisis/shock/risks of various causes which resulted in the loss of income, depletion of assets are also supported.

Objectives of the Consultancy

The purpose of this consultancy is to;

  • Create and produce prevention and protection messaging for community members with material in different, strategic and agreed formats.

  • Communicate to DRC, partners and beneficiaries, other prevention and protection messages**.**

  • Use English voice or sub-titles in the visual messaging - on a need’s basis.

  • Use photos of the project (through consent of the concerned community members) for implementation and action to convey relevant protection messages.

The consultant will be required to;

  • Review project documents and prepare an inception report for review and feedback.

  • Review existing secondary literature to inform the development of the conceptual framework and audio-visual material.

  • Develop messaging material prototypes.

  • Prepare and submit a draft report/messaging and other product for review and feedback.

  • Present test messages on the agreed medium for approval.

  • Submit final report and completed work.

Scope of Work and Methodology

The Consultant will be required to prepare a detailed methodology and work plan indicating how

the objectives of the assignment will be achieved, and the support required from DRC. The Consultant is required to support the DRC Protection team to design, develop and formulate detailed media audio-visual material and schedule to support the project protection messages. The assignment is also meant to ensure that core messaging as per the project design is consistent throughout all communication touchpoints or stakeholders’ engagement matrix including recommendations on specific touchpoints for the strategic media materials to be developed.


  • Collect community members’ input, review and integrate into the media guided by the project proposal and donor media/project communication guidelines.

  • Conduct a review and analysis of the target audience or stakeholders for the consultancy end product and propose a communication approach and media tools to be used for the campaign – message for desired change.

  • Develop captivating protection messages addressing the subject based on the relevant issues gathered from the beneficiaries.

  • Develop a detailed work plan or workflow (scenario) on how the appropriate information and materials will be gathered and produced or the steps each will take.


The Consultant will submit deliverables as mentioned below:


Expected deliverables

Indicative description tasks

Maximum expected timeframe

Phase 1

After mobilization and initial discussions with the project team, stakeholders and community members, the Consultant/firm will submit an inception report with a detailed work plan.

3 working days

Phase 2

Draft protection communication messages and strategy for review by the project team and management, including a confirmed list of content to be produced.

Full package of draft content (graphical, video, audio, texts etc.) for review by the project team.

5 working days

Phase 3

Prepare the first draft report.

Feedback from DRC to submit the final report.

7 working days

The Consultant will provide the documentation by mail, email, USB key / Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF.

Duration, Timeline, and Payment

The total expected duration to complete the assignment will be no more than 15 working days.

All deliverables should be achieved within this period and should be informed by a work plan describing deliverables, items and corresponding days.

  • The consultancy payment schedule will be informed and guided in accordance with a signed contract and donor compliance rules (this among other things includes the discretion to impose a penalty on or withhold payment due to reasons of sub-standard quality work) as well as based on a financial proposal submitted by the consultant.

  • All or any personal or bio-data of community members and staff collected in the course of this consultancy is subject to the DRC Data Protection Policy and is owned exclusively by DRC. Upon the termination of the consultancy, any/all personal/bio-data information must be returned to DRC in hard and soft copy.

  • DRC is not liable for providing insurance coverage to the Consultant. The Consultant is expected to provide their own travel and health insurance.

  • The Consultant must adhere to DRC’s security rules and procedure.

  • DRC is obligated by the Kenya Revenue Authority regulations to conduct a 5% withholding tax from the consultancy fee gross amount.

  • On or before the end date of the contract, the Consultant will submit to DRC Kenya all materials collected during the performance of the contract.

Any request for extension of the Contract Term shall be in writing, signed, and dated by both parties.

  • The assignment is expected to last for 15 days, with final report, messages- written, video and/or audio clips to be provided within this duration.

  • Payments shall be made according to the breakdown below:

Proposed Composition of Team

Key personnel shall include the following:

  • Team Leader: Experienced communications and protection professional with at least 5 years of work experienc, preferably in an urban set-up and with public service providers. The team leader will be responsible for coordinating the team, working closely with the SDACKED Project Manager and the project team. S/he will provide overall direction, ensure quality, and timeliness of all outputs.

  • Graphic/ Video Designer: Experienced graphic designer with a background in advertising and a keen sense of how to communicate core messages effectively through images and graphics. The individual should also be an experienced video/audio editor, preferably with the ability to implement animations (e.g. in Adobe After Effects / Animator).

Eligibility, Qualification, and Experience Required

The Consultant/firm is expected to meet or exceed the following requirements :

  • Possess an advanced degree in Media & Communication, Human Rights or Psychology.

  • 5 years’ experience in consulting / advising on protection and development communication in Kenya;

  • Proven track record of planning and designing creative communication campaigns; preferably in the context of humanitarian approaches and protection;

  • Proven experience translating core messages into effective products across multiple media (e.g. graphic design for billboards/fliers/posters; audio- and video-production capacity etc.);

  • Prior experience in humanitarian sector, protection advocacy and communication context will be an added advantage;

  • Ability to communicate fluently in English, Kiswahili and any other languages spoken by the refugees is a plus.

Technical supervision

The consultant will closely work and report to the SDACKED Project Manager. The SDACKED Project Manager will be the overall contact person for the consultancy. The Protection Officer and the Advocacy and Communication Officer in the SDACKED project shall provide guidance on the assignment with regards to protection messaging and contact with the intended audience. The consultant will be required to provide regular updates on tasks (progress and challenges) to be agreed upon in the initial meetings.

The selected consultant will work under the supervision of the: SDACKED Project Manager

Location and Support

The DRC Kenya Urban program office is located at the Eastleigh PCEA Community Centre on 3rd Street; Eastleigh- Nairobi. The assignment will specifically be conducted at the following areas in Nairobi and its suburbs: Eastleigh, Kasarani, Kawangware and Kitengela. DRC Kenya shall provide internet and a desk for the Consultant to operate from. However, the Consultant is expected to provide his/her own computer.


The assignment will be carried out within Nairobi and its metropolis - Kitengela. The consultant will make own travel arrangements to the above-mentioned target areas.


Interested applicants who meet the requirements are invited to submit an expression of interest.

How to Apply

  • Interested bidders must submit as a minimum:

  • Document 1: Updated CV(s) of Consultant or consultancy team. If bidding as a company, a company profile should also be included.

  • Document 2: A brief document (2 pages maximum) outlining a basic strategy and technical approach to the TOR, team composition and timeline, clearly indicating the level of effort required.

  • Document 3: A brief document (2 pages max) showing portfolio of previous relevant assignments or work. Where possible, this should include links to published work and/or references from the organizations that contracted the work.

  • Document 4: A separate financial proposal in Ksh. with a breakdown of budget covering consultancy fees and all related expenses to implement the activities of the consultancy, including travel and transportation and all logistical requirements.

  1. The deadline for submitting the proposals is 13th July 2023 1700hrs.

  2. Proposals must be submitted as Word/PDF/Excel files, ideally packaged in a zip folder.

  3. Proposals must be submitted to the following email address with ‘Protection Messaging Consultancy’ in the subject line.

  4. The consultancy is expected to be conducted during the month of July 2023.

Evaluation of bids

The proposals will be evaluated against the criteria indicated below. Each proposal will be evaluated against a weight allocation of 70 for the Technical Proposal and 30 for the Financial Proposal. The total maximum obtainable points is 100.

  1. Proposals passing the minimum technical pass score (49 points- 70% of the maximum points obtainable for technical proposal) will continue into the Financial Proposal evaluation stage.

  2. Financial proposal evaluation: The lowest price proposal will be awarded the full score assigned to the financial proposal.

  3. Recommendation: The recommendation for the award will be based on the best combination of technical and financial scores.

  4. Final award and contracts: Based on verified nominations and final scores, contract negotiations could be initiated with one or more successful proposers.

The DRC evaluation team will select the proposal which is of high quality, clear, meets the stated requirements, offers the best combination of technical and financial scores.

Only those shortlisted will be contacted for an interview with the panel to ensure their understanding of the consultancy requirements.

DRC will conduct reference checks from at least 2 previous works as an additional mandatory requirement.

Please find complete bidding documents in the following link: RFP NO.KEN-00243459 PROVISION OF PRODUCTION OF PREVENTION AND PROTECTION MESSAGING

How to apply

Bids can be submitted by email to the following dedicated, controlled, & secure email address:

When Bids are emailed, the following conditions shall be complied with:

  • The RFP number shall be inserted in the Subject Heading of the email

  • Separate emails shall be used for the ‘Financial Bid’ and ‘Technical Bid’, and the Subject Heading of the email shall indicate which type the email contains
    • The financial bid shall only contain the financial bid form, Annex A.2

    • The technical bid shall contain all other documents required by the tender, but excluding all pricing information

  • Bid documents required, shall be included as an attachment to the email in PDF, JPEG, TIF format, or the same type of files provided as a ZIP file. Documents in MS Word or excel formats, will result in the bid being disqualified.

  • Email attachments shall not exceed 4MB; otherwise, the bidder shall send his bid in multiple emails.

Failure to comply with the above may disqualify the Bid.

DRC is not responsible for the failure of the Internet, network, server, or any other hardware, or software, used by either the Bidder or DRC in the processing of emails.

DRC is not responsible for the non-receipt of Bids submitted by email as part of the e-Tendering process.

Bids to be submitted ONLY in electronically.

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