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Jul 29, 2015

Why Being Overconfident Is The Reason You’re Not Getting Hired

By Selipha Kihagi

There are some who argue that there is no such thing as being overconfident, don’t be cheated. Job seekers have missed out on opportunities, not because they were not qualified for the position, but because they were too confident they missed out on the little things that matter most to the employer.

So, how can being overconfident come between you and the job?

The first thing you must understand is what being overconfident in the job application process really means.

For the simple explanation, being overconfident is when you are so sure about yourself than you should be; you believe that you are well qualified for the position so you decide not to engage too much in preparing. Why? According to you, the job should be yours.

This is how being overconfident will not get you the job;

1. You ignored confusing information in the job description
Being too confident brings about arrogance and ignorance. You are quick to conclude on details that do not appear of much concern to you and assume that the interviewer will not really be concerned about them or that you will be well prepared to answer them.

This can work against you, especially if the information you decided to ignore is the detail the employer is looking for. If you didn’t prepare to address it or didn’t bother to confirm what was expected of it, then you just might not meet the cut.

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2. You are insisting on using a past strategy because it worked for you before
The job market keeps changing and what employers look for in candidates also changes with the market. What this means is, if including a photo on the CV worked for you in a previous job it might not work so well right now. The same applies to the CV format and how to write the cover letter.

Do not assume that the same thing you did 3 years ago will work for you today, research on recent CV formats and know what employers are looking for in job seekers. Also keep up with what is trending, like using LinkedIn for your next job.

3. You never prepared for the interview because you didn’t have to
Think you don’t need to prepare for an interview because you went to a similar one last week? Well, you might want to rethink that. For every job interview, you must prepare afresh if you really need the job. Why? Because different employers have different values and standards and may insist on an issue that another employer didn’t bother to.

Some employers may use aptitude tests for their interviews, while other employers may think it unnecessary. Always prepare for an interview.

4. You did not listen when they told you to wear a suit
Have you at one time or the other thought of losing the tie or doing away with the coat because you’re feeling too serious for the interview? Well, some employers want the serious kind and could be put off when you decide the way you look is not that important.

Always listen to criticism and seek a second opinion before going for the interview. It could be your saviour for the day.

If you have been a victim of one of the above, it’s time to dust off that overconfidence that is making you appear arrogant. Confidence is a good thing, but too much can kill your career.

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