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Jul 29, 2015


Project: Community Action for Improved Drought response and Resilience – CAIDRR

Works: Construction of Ol-Turot Livestock Market

Duration: 10th August 2015 – 10th September 2015


VSF Germany is implementing a 3 years Resilience building program funded by European Union whose overall goal is “to contribute towards improving food security in ASAL livelihoods through enhanced response and Resilience to drought”.

The project is implemented in a consortium of 3 organizations (VSFG- Lead agency, CIFA & WRF) in collaboration with line county ministries/departments Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries development (MoALFD), National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) among others.

The programme intends to upgrade Ol-Turot livestock market, in Laisamis Sub-county of Marsabit County. The works entail expansion of market space, fencing of the sale yard, construction of two latrines, seven (7) IGA stalls and water storage tank. The CAIDRR is an ambitious approach to tackle the challenge of recurrent droughts—and the chronic shocks that plague pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, and peri-urban households in the ASAL areas particularly, Marsabit County.

2.Scope of work

2.1 Objective

The purpose of this consultancy is to carry out a systematic and comprehensive assessment of environmental effects of the upgrading of Livestock Market at Ol-Turot in Laisamis Sub-county in Marsabit County. This is meant to: (1) allow integration of environmental considerations in planning and implementation of the activities of the upgrading of the livestock market and; 2) assessment of the the design of proposed works and ascertain their compliance with environmental standards for such construction, (3) Prepare the report of the EIA exercise which will guide the upgrading activities during and after the intervention as per NEMA and IUCN guidelines.

The assessment should be conducted in a participatory manner involving all key stakeholders- community representatives, NGOs, GoK departments in order to raise public awareness and promote understanding of the essential linkages between environment and the development and to encourage individual and community participation in environmental improvement efforts.

The study outcome / results are as follows:

  1. Environmental impact assessment report covering all the proposed activities, summary of environmental concerns, steps that the intervention should take to mitigate any environmental problems, and providing recommendations on how the upgrading activities should be carried out to ensure environmental compliance.

2.2 Specific tasks to be performed by the consultant will include:

  • Description of the proposed upgrading activities in the livestock market site;

  • Description of the status/baseline of the environment – bio-physical and socio-economic environments.

§ Clearly show which of the planned activities are unlikely, likely and highly likely to have significant negative environmental impact because of their nature, scale and other relevant characteristics.

§ Identify major positive and negative potential environmental impacts associated with each activity of the market upgrading process.

§ Identify and recommend mitigation measures – feasible/appropriate and cost effective measures to prevent or reduce negative impacts to acceptable levels during construction and operations of the livestock market to enhance positive impacts of overall livestock market.

Specifically look at the following:

§ Advise/recommend on requirements (institutional, financial and human resource) to implement the mitigation and support measures

§ Develop a plan for monitoring environmental hazards/effects during construction which will be followed to minimize, mitigate or eliminate negative effects. The plan should be simple and easy to implement by the upgrading team.

§ Indicate or show how different stakeholders including community leaders can be involved in the upgrading process and understand the recommendations of the EIA process.

§ Compile a final report (10 hard and 5 electronic copies) giving clear recommendations on how potential negative impact on environment would be reduced. Provide a check list of potential negative impact of each activity.

§ Train CAIDRR staff on mitigation measures/practices that would reduce potential negative impact on the environment from the upgrading/ construction activities.

§ Present draft EIA report to CAIDRR partners/stakeholders in Marsabit and Nairobi for a feedback before finalizing the report and seeking NEMA approval.

§ Obtain approval of the EIA report by NEMA and license issued to VSF-Germany to carry out the upgrading of the livestock market.


The consultant will review project documents (proposal, reports, livestock market design, etc) and secondary data on similar work done in Marsabit and/or similar ASAL areas. In addition, field visit will made to the livestock site to be upgraded to gather information using various appropriate methodologies as defined by the consultant, including from different stakeholders as relevant. The consultant will use technically recognized methodologies and procedures for conducting EIA for constructions and livestock markets in ASAL areas.

The procedures typically involve the following steps:

· Initial screening: to determine whether the proposed intervention is likely to cause significant environmental effects;

· Scoping; to determine the major relevant environmental issues, how they will be addressed, depth of the study and the resources required.

· Environmental assessment: to determine the environmental consequences of the project, and the environmental protection measure which should be incorporated into its design, implementation and operation;

· Review of environmental impact assessment results: To use the results to incorporate appropriate environmental measures in market upgrading implementation plans;

· Environmental monitoring; Incorporation of environmental component within market monitoring framework to ensure adequacy of mitigation measures;

NOTE: The consultant should demonstrate an understanding of the study, and use the most professional and technical acceptable approach in conducting the study.

4.Duration of the consultancy: a maximum of30 days.

5.Roles and Responsibilities

5.1 VSF-Germany will

§ Provide materials for desk review (listed under methodology).

§ Schedule meetings with partners/stakeholders or project staff upon request by the consultant.

§ Pay the consultancy fee less withholding tax.

§ Facilitate the consultant’s travel from RON to the field, including to market site, and back after the end of the field work, food and accommodation.

§ Organize the field mission by notifying relevant authorities and groups about the planned EIA exercise.

§ Provide the venue and any materials required during meetings and /or training at the field

§ Make comments on draft report to the consultant for incorporation in the final report before submission to NEMA for approval.

5.2 The Consultant will;

§ Undertake desk study of Secondary data and on the CAIDRR project including: Project proposal, strategies, detailed activity work plan, design of the market plus other work by other players in same sector.

§ Facilitate training of CAIDRR staff on mitigation measures/practices that would limit potential negative impact of planned activities on the environment.

§ Provide a final report of the EIA exercise approved by NEMA.

§ A certificate of clearance by NEMA giving a go ahead of the upgrading of the livestock market at Ol-Turot, and present it to VSF-Germany.

6.Expected outputs / deliverables.

§ Training conducted for staff on mitigation measures.

§ A draft report of the assessment on 10thday of the assignment for comments by VSFG.

§ A final EIA report (10 hard and 1 soft copies), detailing dangers associated with each activity and recommended mitigation measures and approved by NEMA within the period of assignment.

§ Approval by NEMA of the EIA report and certificate/license of compliance from NEMA issued to VSF Germany for the market upgrading.

§ Environmental monitoring plan/ tools during construction and operation of the livestock market.

7.Required qualification

§ At least a Degree in Environmental Science, Natural Resources, Soil and Water Engineering sciences, Civil /Building or Construction Engineering Sciences.

§ At least 5 years’ practical work experience in environmental sustainability related consultancy.

§ A master’s degree in any of the above Disciplines will have an added advantage.

§ Proven experience in conducting environmental impact assessments using qualitative and quantitative techniques.

§ Must be registered as an EIA expert by National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).

§ Understands ASAL social and economic dynamics and has proven experience of work with pastoralists.

§ The Consultant will be responsible for planning and execution of the assignment and must have good planning and organizational skills.

§ The expert(s) should also have good writing skills and able to produce an actionable EIA report.

§ Deeper understanding of the principle of sustainable development.

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